PLANET REPORT: The year begins with an unprecedented cosmic bundle across Saturn’s two signs – Capricorn and Aquarius – and a solar eclipse at New Moon in Aquarius on the 26th at 8:26pm (NZST). Jupiter shifts the global mood significantly when it moves from Capricorn to upbeat Aquarius on the 6th (NZST) and a new cycle of activity begins for each and every one us. From staid Capricorn to innovative Aquarius (where it will remain until January 2010), it’s time to get the thinking caps on and explore outside the square in our personal Jupiter areas (see individual signs). Despite Saturn turning to backward direction on New Year’s Day and Mercury turning retro on the 12th, which will make us feel like the brakes have been jammed on and there is little movement, keep eyes open for amazing opportunities that will appear around the New Moon on the 26th (NZST), which promises to bring about the unexpected. Whatever begins then will culminate at Full Moon in July. Even though we may not be able to implement things smoothly until mid-February, this is an excellent time to iron out the wrinkles, fine-tune loose plans, lay the groundwork or strengthen foundations. Once February rolls round, we will be wired to go with all the ideas, offers and projects that are positively humming. Jupiter encourages us to think big or to take on grand challenges, so if you find yourself wanting to dive in at the deep end in large projects you will need to pare life down to the essentials so that projects can be comfortably managed. Reorganise and tidy up during January and tackle those duties that have been put off so that the way is clear. We may be tempted to update or upgrade technological devices but use January as research time and wait until February before making big-ticket purchases since this phase brings all kinds of chaos with pricing, data and functionality. On a bigger level, we may not be out of the woods with the economic readjustments that are taking place until after July 2010 but we certainly have bigger and better opportunities to experiment with or the chance to come up with fresh twist on stale situations and projects – even resurrecting ideas from as far back as 12 years ago. A willingness to look at life from another angle, imagination, a strong sense of detail and seamless systems are the winning factors. Administrator Saturn keeps us on the straight and narrow with the smallest of details being emphasised now, and unfinished business will take until May 17th (NZST) to work through – a thorough job and good management are needed otherwise overlooked details will trip us up. February and September 2009, April and July 2010 are hotspots of activity as a continuation of events that took place in October and November 2008 surface but there’s more optimism and better solutions just around the corner.
ARIES: From January 6th a new 12-year cycle begins when Jupiter enters your friendship and social network zone. This area also rules your hopes and dreams, aspirations and future plans. Not only will your interactions with others increase, you will find yourself re-imagining old dreams and ideas – look for an inventive twist or apply something that was ahead of its time then but which fits your situation now. Group-like situations such as clubs, teams, coffee rooms, after-five drinks or discussion forums become very attractive and easy to fit into due to the camaraderie and chemistry. Certainly, you will be attracted to technological means as a way to communicate with others and an expanded breadth of vision will be the result as well as a sense of relief in the understanding you discover. This upliftment will overflow into your ability to deal with the bigger issues that are at stake in your career, parental, home or life direction departments. Old friendships may be revived now and the part of your journey that you shared then can be laughed or cried over. Sketch out plans, discuss ideas and do your research but wait until mid-February to launch anything
TAURUS: Your career or social standing may go through leaps and bounds after Jupiter moves into this area on January 6th and a new 12-year cycle commences. There may be a striking similarity between what happens this year and what took place in 1997 – you can look back now and see that it was a learning experience that can be applied today even if you are not doing exactly the same thing. January will be great for learning and making discoveries. The greatest challenge for Bulls will be your ability to go with the flow of events and change habits or setups that are well-ingrained. Overcoming your resistance will bring about unexpected spin-offs. An increase in activity in your professional, public, parental or home life will become a bit of a balancing act so whittle down your obligations so that you can concentrate on the biggest tasks or opportunities. The New Moon on the 26th will see the start of a potentially prosperous new cycle but you will need to handle everything with kid gloves and take measured steps. Tying up communications that have been evident since July will become important around the 11th when you will find it easy to express yourself in writing or verbally. There will be significant faxes, emails or phone calls then.
GEMINI: A new 12-year phase that involves teaching, learning, travelling, religion or publishing commences on January 6th; and with your ruler Mercury turning retrograde on the 12th this is the perfect time to review your financial situation to accommodate your need to experience life in a bigger and broader way. Shared assets and finances may be the biggest issues to discuss and sort out this month so the way may not be clear until mid-February. The same applies to loans, mortgages, taxes, insurances or inheritances – there is a lot to sift through but doing so will pave the way to explore life on a grander scale in 2009. Interesting people and conversations crop up this month that could you lead you to change tack in the coming months and despite the bigger doom and gloom scenario, there is lot of positive support this year that will lead to career changes in 2010 – it’s all up to you. The New Moon on the 26th could trigger off a new educational direction, a new look at your beliefs and how they affect your outlook, web-based publishing ventures or a fantastic itinerary of places and people to visit this year.
CANCER: Your annual Full Moon occurs on the 11th bringing many aspects of a relating issue to a conclusion. Whether they are a professional, a best friend, a partner or someone you share your house with, there is an issue that has been gathering pace that will suddenly become rectified or sorted out. This clears the way for the eclipse on the 26th at New Moon to spark off events that are part and parcel of a new 12-year cycle that commenced on the 6th in your shared assets and property department. Optimistic Jupiter moving in this area until January 2010 indicates that your finances, business or real estate matters that involve second or third parties will go through a period of rapid change. It’s all in the way you deal with the issues, opportunities or obstacles though that will seal the outcome. Maximise the potential on offer by establishing good planning and budgeting patterns and cultivate a strong sense of stability while embracing innovative ideas and suggestions. Wait until February to sign on the dotted line or settle big decisions and prepare to be patient as the details sort themselves out.
LEO: For Leo folk, relationships are the biggest area of focus this year as Jupiter moves into your opposite sign Aquarius and into your other people zone. From professionals to platonic relationships to opponents, there will be an amazing array of people to keep you busy. Your public image is also in the spotlight and how you deal with clients and customers will be very much on display. Put your best foot forward Leo, especially around the New Moon on the 26th when an interesting person enters your life with potential possibilities. Well-travelled, educated or honorable, you will spot this person a mile away – allow yourself to be inspired by tales of their experiences. Even those people who oppose you or who are at odds with your philosophical stance can be seen in a new light – it’s all about putting a fresh spin on your worldview. Mercury retrograde from the 12th to February 1st suggests that there is still some unfinished business in your work and health sector that needs to be attended to and you may not be able to move forward until this is sorted.
VIRGO: The health and service sector is where a brand new 12-year cycle begins for Virgins on the 6th. Big opportunities are nestled in your employment area, especially if you have a special talent for organisation, innovative thinking and a systematic approach, but it will be the right attitude, researched approach or special angle that will reveal the treasure. A lot of Virgo folk excel in their attention to detail and ability to help others, and it will be this trait that will land you the important job of making sure everything runs smoothly and seamlessly. Research your options during January as your ruler Mercury is out of service until February 1st and January is likely to be full of chaos and unexpected events and people. You will need to focus on child-related activities this month before you can move forward with work, routines and health options in February. Diet and exercise can also benefit from a determined approach, or perhaps you make a breakthrough in a health issue. Frustrating Saturn continues on in your sign until October so while life can’t be hurried and will need to be worked at diligently, especially in February and September, you need to keep positive and avoid taking shortcuts.
LIBRA: Even if the great personal changes you are experiencing with domestic life are ongoing, the pressure in your home life will ease from January 6th. You can definitely look forward to a bigger and brighter romantic life and heightened creativity over the coming year. Whether single or in a relationship, this is the time to mix and mingle, do something completely different, and generally improve the intellectual rapport that you enjoy with others as a communicative Air sign. Self-expression is at a 12-year high and whether you create a masterpiece or a baby, meet the person of your dreams or deepen your existing love you will feel fulfilled and inspired. Adopting or taking a young person under your wing is just as possible as giving birth and just as meaningful. You will also feel an optimistic urge coming on and as a consequence doing things that put you in the right frame of mind to attract what you need and to also be in the right places at the right times. Synchronicity could be at work now! Your interest in social outings such as movies, theatres, clubs and bars will be increased and socially it could be a very busy year with celebrations and invitations galore. You can afford to take a gamble!
SCORPIO: Opportunities lie on your own doorstep this year. Real estate, your home and family have suddenly zoomed to the top of your agenda but it won’t be until February that things really start to take shape. Reinventing or improving your living arrangements so that there’s more mental or physical space – whether it’s a special corner that you can work out of or an added room - is a priority. And even though your wants and needs have already been formed, use chaotic January to spring clean and restructure your ideas, write letters, discuss or read the fine print before embarking on a set course as there are too many variables now that will change later on. Chance conversations or meetings with a close relative or neighbour could reveal unexpected opportunities or lucrative twists. Even if you don’t move or renovate, there will be an increase in activity around the home and whether you take in boarders or have visitors or simply upgrade the technology, there will be exciting diversions or additions. The realm of children and romance will continue to prove challenging so try to keep your boundaries strong but flexible.
SAGITTARIUS: After last year’s period of reconstructing and streamlining your income and savings and making them work better by budgeting, cutting back and experimenting with new avenues, the endless scrimping and saving, whilst still ongoing, will settle into a more predictable groove. The steadier your finances become, the more the coming 12 months will blossom with imaginative thoughts and wild ideas. 2009 will hold a much better frame of mind where the power of possibility is enough to inspire you to think outside of the safe square you have drawn. Of course, it is one thing to think and another to do so a concerted effort is required but this is definitely a time to establish good thought patterns that will ultimately shape your reality. If you already have an idea or two in the wings try to launch them after mid-February as there are too many x-factors this month. A busy year is indicated with extensive short trips, an interest in courses, more interest in your immediate neighbourhood as well as improved connections between siblings and relatives. Contracts, the written or spoken word will hold more power than usual in this paper-shuffling year.
CAPRICORN: January proves to be an action-packed month that pushes you even further into the spotlight than you already are making you very aware of how others view you. The Full Moon on the 11th will bring sensitive relationship issues to a culmination and this will involve someone on a one-to-one basis in marriage, business or socially. You may need kid gloves when handling situations that need to be discussed clearly and what you glean from others will give you good insights into yourself and how you can improve, capitalise on, or change how you see yourself and the world around you. Shortly after, a new beginning is signified in your financial sector when a solar eclipse (New Moon) on the 26th sparks off an array of events that changes the flow of your fiscal department. It’s all good though as Jupiter, the greater benefic, has moved into this area for the next twelve months bringing unexpected spin-offs or opportunities than you have had in 12 years. You have a good chance now to wipe the slate clean financially.
AQUARIUS: Jupiter moved into your sign on the 6th heralding a brand new cycle in your persona, image, interactions and health – look back 12 years ago for clues on how this might develop in the coming year. Did you embark on a new personal journey then and where did this lead you? What can you improve upon this time? Even though Mercury will confuse matters during January by moving back into the shrouded and mysterious areas that you are emerging from, beyond February 2009 is a time to look forward. You may be naturally drawn to self-improvement tools, changing your look, travelling or moving around more, or to taking up a course that will enhance or add to what you are already doing. Because the financial issues that you have been experiencing lately will be on-going, this would be a great year to establish good habits and curb excess as Jupiter can also incline to recklessness if we are not careful. The greatest danger is pushing for results out of frustration before plans are fully developed.
PISCES: Despite the on-going changing landscape of your friendship and social circuit, what you do in your own time or behind the scenes holds the most significance this year. Jupiter, your ruler, moved into a very personal and quiet area of your chart on January 6th heralding an increasing gravitation toward solitude, privacy, confidentiality and possibly even secrets, which can suddenly be exposed now. You may be attracted to reflective pursuits, especially those that calm your mind, bring greater understanding of the mysteries of life or that give answers to mysterious suspicions or questions; you may also be involved in out of the ordinary activities that require you to keep a low-profile because of the nature of events or situations. The New Moon of the 26th sparks off this once in 12 year cycle so look for clues then on what may transpire later in the year. By the same token, look back 12 years ago. People-power is also important and what you do with others on a collective level can bring great changes. Avoid power struggles where possible and keep new friendships on an even footing until they are well and truly established.