Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 2011

PLANET REPORT: A fast-paced, action-packed, Mars driven month. Events move along quickly as the Sun, Moon and Mercury connect with Mars on the 7th and 20th. The tempo is upbeat on the intellectual playing field but there is also chance of hotheadedness and clashes of wills. If ever there were a time when our ideas and concepts need a good shake out, it’s now. For some, this will be achieved by butting up against other people’s views, opinions, beliefs or hypothesis in search of understanding and clarification. For others, ideas are shared, discussed and fine-tuned making this a highly constructive time with like-minded individuals who rally together for a common cause. We each live within our own perspective and impressions, and often we take this for granted until we come across other viewpoints. February is an extremely diverse month and is great for jumping outside the square either because unexpected challenges push us to look more closely at exactly where our outlook on life fits in with others, or, on an inner level because we feel restless and want to look in new directions. Welcome challenges but try to pause before reacting as this will pave a much sweeter path for good communication; and we may even learn something from people who appear radical or defensive but in many ways more like us than we realise. Promises can stick on Valentine’s Day, which is likely to be laced with practical reasoning than romantically inclined gestures. With Neptune putting an oar in on the Full Moon on the 18th (9:37pm), keep to a framework, stick to facts and use logical reasoning. Blurred and woolly thinking, or cover-ups and deceptive actions have the potential to come undone by mid-month. It will be extremely interesting to see what surfaces in the political and media circles where heated debates and confrontations could erupt. The cool New Moon in Aquarius on the 3rd at 3:32pm is fired up by Mars - who is anything but cool in the face of obstruction - and this energy will carry right through to the smoke and mirrors of the Full Moon on the 18th! Pushing, debating, and then pushing some more may prove irritating, exhausting but also irresistible, leading, in some extreme cases, to disputes and conflicts, breakthroughs and revolutions in others. From the 23rd Mars will transit into Pisces melting the intellectual atmosphere into an emotional but turbulent sea. Jupiter and Pluto reach their second meeting on the 25th; the first was in August 2010 and this will be the last, thankfully, because the philosophical fervour and financial implications will add to the already fiery dynamics of Mars.

ARIES: This can be a positive, upbeat month where the people you associate with on a social, networking, digital or club level can open doors, make introductions, share ideas, concepts and values, or be extremely interesting to be around. With Jupiter now in your sign (until June) you are already in a new phase of life ready to move onward and upward. You can speed this whole process up by seeking out friends and associates and make new acquaintances or revive old ones. Since this is a pumped up month, you can get over any potential conflicts in viewpoints by discussing opinions, beliefs or theories in a receptive way without having to give ground in your own beliefs. Being open minded will help you get through hotspots around the 7th, 18th and 20th when Mars, your ruler, connects with the Sun and Mercury. Around the 21st, there may be some confusion or lack of direction but this will be a passing phase. Swim with the tide for the rest of the month, ground yourself and be transparent in your dealings with others. By your birthday, your batteries will be fully recharged.

TAURUS: Up until the 23rd, you are in everyone’s sights! There is nowhere to hide with so much planetary attention in the realm of your career, reputation, public image or overall lifestyle and life direction and you have a great opportunity to make a breakthrough. February is also a month to work hard to power along existing projects, create a twist so that you stand out from others, or challenge or be challenged by people who work or think differently to you. It’s also a good idea to challenge and question yourself so that you can blow away any energy that is stuck. Peak points when hotspots manifest may occur around the 7th, 18th and 20th when a surge of intellectual energy brings events or meetings that lead to new paths. Venus, your ruler, moves through sister-sign Capricorn from the 4th bringing you closer to people at a distance. There could very well be something to celebrate, or perhaps you are meeting someone for the first time. The karmic implications of your relationships will be so obvious that your down to earth nature may almost believe in kismet.

GEMINI: Once your ruler Mercury joins the glitterati that is the Sun, Mars, (New) Moon and Neptune in Aquarius high in your chart on the 4th, the world is your oyster. You are a literal livewire this month and your thinking is very much on the broader sweep of your life. Whether it’s your beliefs or whether it’s itchy feet, doing something different may be the only way to quench your intellectual cravings. Publishing ventures or a promotion via your website may work extremely well so this is the month to sit down and create something different. People will be attracted to quirkiness and originality now. From the 23rd, Mars alters the astrological beat when he dives into Pisces but climbs to the top of your chart. Learn from people, educational material and by exploring new concepts in the first part of the month as this will provide you with the ammunition to overcome the challenges that confusion brings in career or life direction matters. Knowing why you want to approach a particular path or project in a certain way and providing the logical reasons that have been clearly worked out will win you the support of people you answer to or rely upon.

CANCER: The lunations this month may be rough and ready with a particular episode in your life reaching a rocky conclusion on the 18th, however, you still have Jupiter and Uranus soaring high above your chart and this means you are only limited by your own imagination, outlook or attitude. Change is definitely hovering around you and it may come in the most unexpected of ways. Every cloud has a silver lining and even though you can’t keep the clouds away, you should make the most of all situations between now and June rather than falling victim to circumstances. The first half of February has a group of planets in your zone of money that involves other people. This means that some small event or circumstance can create a flow on effect in that you need to focus on getting your accounts into order. This could lead to travel or educational opportunities. This is probably a blessing in disguise because the planetary symbolism means there is a cool and precise logic that can be employed to work through details. From the 23rd, some of you may be fascinated by a particular place, study, philosophy or publishing venture. For others, an active imagination can take you to wonderful places in your mind.

LEO: That’s some grouping of star-spangled planets in the skies right now and because they are opposite your sign and there is a Full Moon in your sign on the 18th, a culmination is very much on the cards. Some of the planetary patterns are impatient to move on to greater pastures, others hold great possibilities, and others suggest that it’s time for a little relationship maintenance. The best date to begin anything that involves getting together with someone else – whether for business, love or friendship – is around the New Moon of the 3rd, when sensible Saturn supports your actions and helps to make proposals constructive and long-lasting. Try to keep a level head in anything you are really excited about as too much force can turn others off. There may be opponents but there also lots of supporters so keep your cool and stay in control with someone who is trying to get a reaction out of you. The 18th brings a very murky close to a situation that began six months ago. It may seem as if this chapter has finished but some issues may be masked by confusion or uncertainty, which means addressing these details later in the year.

VIRGO: Being the sign that is most conscious of health and wellbeing – even if you avoid exercise or eating right, you almost always feel guilty about it – February is the month to get up and moving and start fulfilling all those New Year’s resolutions. Suddenly your attitude clicks into place or someone from work, or even your doctor, health adviser or an article you read in the waiting room, could switch you onto a new (to you) craze that seems just right. The same could apply to a diet. Use the staid but active energy of the New Moon of the 3rd to sign up. By the 18th, life looks takes on a murky colour and acting on impulse is best avoided to keep out of hot water. From the 23rd, Mars travels through Pisces until April 2nd bringing all the flotsam and jetsam of relationships to the surface over a six week period. It will be easy to get hot under the collar with people who are confused or confusing just when you need straight answers. At work, the first half of February is a great month to work together on team projects. For others, pets and small animals become significant.

LIBRA: In the month of Valentine’s Day, there’s nothing better for a Libran to have a group of planets travelling through your love and fun zone. Even the New Moon of the 3rd suggests that a new turning point is at hand if you make the effort to mix and mingle with friends, acquaintances, social or digital networks. The first half of February is the time to get out and about, to be seen and heard, to be active and reactive. You could be involved in a fundraiser and meet someone who has the same interests, especially on an intellectual level, where romance often starts for you. For others there may be a celebration such as the birth of a baby, project or creative venture. And for others, it’s children who bring happiness and joy in some form. Unfortunately, the last week of February, is filled with the energy of a frustrated Full Moon on the 18th. This occurs in your area of friends and acquaintances so if there are issues that are unclear, it might be best to get them sorted by then to avoid having your hopes and dreams dashed. Whatever took place six months ago may have some relevance to events then.

SCORPIO: It’s hard to say how having so many planets in your home zone will pan out during the first three weeks of February but one thing is for sure, it is likely to be busy, busy, busy. Updating, renovating or moving to a bigger or smaller place may all suddenly be in the stars. The high energy means you have to make a snap decision, act quickly or entertain people at short notice. Family may also visit, or you visit them, and there are likely to be sudden events that need to be arranged. All this can make you hot and bothered when you need patience and calm. Don’t worry, even though there is a culmination at Full Moon on the 18th, Mars will smooth over ruffled feelings and bring the break you deserve. Career or life direction-wise, you may find that unfinished business resurfaces that then creates obstacles to further progress. If you can actively seek out what needs to be addressed, you can avoid having to go back to this saga later in the year when all you want to do is move on.

SAGITTARIUS: Communication is where it is all at during the first three weeks of February. There may be a real buzz in the air, even in your very own neighbourhood or with a brother or sister that gives you all something to think and talk about. Suddenly there may be plans to make, or causes to follow. On a personal level, this is the month to think outside the square and perhaps approach a stubborn situation from another angle. Your ruler Jupiter is certainly gaining momentum for fun times ahead but before that can happen there may be an intense concentration of having to examine your beliefs against someone else’s. This could be a financial issue, or you may find that your values are completely different. The first thing to realise is that everyone is feeling the need to control and direct their own fortune around the 26th when Jupiter and Pluto meet for the second and last time. Look back to August 2010 for clues on what these issues may be. There is so much to look forward to in the future that allows your self-expression to shine through that it would be shame to let differences in opinion get in the way of this happiness.

CAPRICORN: With Venus in your sign from the 4th, your social appeal will soar and you are more likely to want to mix with people who make you feel good about yourself. You also have the power to make others feel extra special too – you might find you are very popular. During the first three weeks of February, sort out financial issues and make deals or look for ways to raise cash. You may be concerned with the value of assets and possessions and keen to whittle your life down to those items that are worth even more investment in the long run than those that are cash-draining. Call it quits around the 18th if it becomes clear you are throwing good cash after bad. With Jupiter and Uranus hovering around your home and family sphere, there are adventures ahead that will take off in March so use this time to get accounts into order so that you are in a position to take up opportunities. Upgrading or downgrading, domestic changes are on the horizon that, while disruptive, will lead to more freedom by June when your position will be much more secure.

AQUARIUS: Happy birthday Aquarius! There’s a lot of cosmic action taking place in your sign during the first three weeks of February. With Mars, the planet of energy and will, travelling through until the 23rd, this is your chance to tackle those issues, jobs and projects that require enthusiasm and vitality to pull off – with Saturn out of sorts, it may feel as if the handbrake is on but there’s nothing to stop you planting seeds now and preparing the ground. Socially, you might be very aware of those injustices that need to be corrected so if you are one of those Waterbearers who loves a cause, this is your month. The New Moon on the 3rd is in your sign – this is your green light to instigate new projects. However, the storm clouds gather around the Full Moon on the 18th when patience and clarity are thin on the ground. You could become highly frustrated by the woolly-headedness of other people but this is your cue to take a wait and see approach. Unfinished business might take until July/August to complete.

PISCES: The private sector your chart is where all the action is taking place this month. Behind the scenes is where you are quite happy to be and it’s certainly a good place to clear out the dusty corners and actively pursue answers to mysterious questions. Sometimes, it’s in the quiet moments that life becomes clear. A new birthday cycle kicks off later in the month and as early as March 5th you will be ready to move into a new phase. You will have Mars travelling through your sign from the 23rd and your ruler Jupiter creating discord with Pluto on the 26th. Mars in Pisces means that all of you will have an active, busy year ahead while early born Pisceans will have some philosophical issues to wrangle with in the coming months that will lead to big questions being asked about financial ventures, earnings or savings. The trick is to avoid getting too attached to any one belief about your security and instead realise that once you are on the open road there will be many more options and experiences that will expand your worldview.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

People Who Should Know better

Wow, there's been a lot of bad press about astrology lately with the appearance of Ophiucus resulting in some tall stories being spread by people in the scientific community on respected television channels - namely the BBC - who really should know better. As astrologers we are not so much concerned with proving whether astrology works or not but more with the outrageous claims that amuses/infuriates us most: that astrologers earn huge amounts of money from a very gullible public. This public, namely You, appears, from what the scientists are implying, to be extremely stupid. What an insult to both you and astrologers. They also claim that we do readings in the same manner as a sun-sign column which means that 1/12 of the population will all have the same chart! This is total poppycock - to put it very politely - because all consultations are based on a time, place and date of birth, or by horary astrology - asking a question of the astrologer at a given time.

Astrology is a very complicated process that is taken very seriously by astrologers. Yes, some of us do write columns but we do so in a way that presents astrology in a respectable light in a bid to rise above some of the rubbish columns written by journalists. Yes, folks, journalists. You know those columns that are so brief and vague and without any astrological terminology to back up the data being presented. Newspapers and magazines know that astrology sells and that's why they have picked this little acorn this time around. You only need to look at the rubbish being spouted about Ophiucus to see it has gone viral. Please, dear public, don't fall for this!

A sincere person discrediting a belief, would begin his research by discovering exactly what happens when an astrologer prepares for a consultation and what they charge. Since this outrageous claim is that all astrology is based on your sun-sign (something that was invented by NEWSPAPERS to SELL NEWSPAPERS in the 1930's), he would find there is at least 2-3 hours work spent on calculating and pondering the symbolism in a chart. And that's before the client shows up for their 1-2 hour consultation. Doesn't take a rocket scientist - excuse the pun - to work out that this means that for 4-5 hours work they might get paid anything between $100-$200 - a mean average of say $30 an hour! Then we get to minus tax off that!

Yes, there are telephone lines that charge by the minute, but you will not find a genuine astrologer running one - you will find they are being run by people who claim to be psychic and use the word astrology - yes based on your sun-sign - to do a "reading". It's ironic that these same lines are being advertised on the Guardian's website, where discussions have been taking place between astrologers and "scientists". These lines are the equivalent to those scam emails one gets claiming to be your bank and asking for your password.

Some very intelligent people on the Guardian's forum came up with the claim that some papers get their journalists to write a year's worth of starsign columns and to vary the content each year so that no one will notice. They then go on to ask "how can astrology work?" Oh. My. God! They don't even realise that what they are saying here is: that a journalist wrote the column with NO ASTROLOGER IN SIGHT. This should set the alarm bells ringing straight away! Blaming the poor old astrologer because astrology doesn't work when not one single astrologer has been consulted? Wow, I think they have shot themselves in the foot there!

Even if you think astrology IS a load of old bollocks, you can still lobby for quality television maintaining its standards. Please feel free to add your voice to the growing list of people who are outraged by the lack of professionalism and knowledge displayed by media and scientific fields.