JUNE PLANET REPORT: A lively and interesting month where we can take a breather! As soon as June begins we find Mercury paused as it changes to forward direction in Taurus. Having been out of phase since May 7th, while this will certainly stimulate anything that has been delayed during this time, the sign of the Bull is a very slow-mover so progress will occur in its own good time. The Full Moon in Sag on the 8th at 06:13am squares Saturn reiterating that things will slowly take shape. Mars is also poised on the threshold of Taurus, ahead of Venus who moves into her own sign Taurus on the 6th. Even though Venus will remain here until July 5th, between the 6th and the 15th she will be in her own terms lending her potency to attending to the material side of life (from money and finance to sustenance, creature comforts and basic needs). As a health watch, we will need to be alert to sore throats, laryngitis and tonsillitis. Singing can give our voices a good workout! Once Mercury moves from the dense materialism of earthy Taurus and into thinking Gemini on the 14th, life will speed up. Two inner planets will occupy signs of dignity (meaning they will be in the signs that they govern) making the second half of June a great time to invest time, money and energy into the areas of life that are represented by these planets on an individual basis. The important Solstice also occurs on the 21st at 5:47pm when the Sun enters fertile Cancer, just before the most fertile New Moon of the year on the 23rd at 07:36am in Cancer. This combination will herald an in rush of intense cosmic energy that can be tapped into for the next quarter. In opposition to Pluto, the power of passion can make tremendous waves. Looking at the first part of June, life is always interesting when Mercury makes a station and it will be around this time when all that has taken place since April 23rd will start to fall into place. Hopefully the details have been sorted through and we have taken heed of what has come to light so that an appropriate course of action can be taken. After the 15th, the Gemini connection will mean that communication means everything. The written or spoken word becomes powerful so deal with facts carefully and whilst looking at everything from all sides is beneficial, try to remain focused rather scattered all over the place. Life happens in two’s and three’s, making everything seem like a multiple-choice quiz. Venus and Mars are the relating planets and because they move very closely together, the pacts and agreements we have with other people will need to be honoured, scrutinised or adjusted. When the crescent can be seen in the late June skies (29th) a new phase begins in the next quarter of the seasonal year. Activities can be started that will have very fertile beginnings.
ARIES: June is money month! From the 6th there will be three planets traversing this area of your chart. This suggests that it’s time to consolidate fiscal matters, ask for a raise, initiate projects, grow assets or pay back loans. You can also take satisfaction that it has been through your own blood, sweat and tears that results are now springing forth. For some Rams, a sibling, an aunt, uncle or neighbour may also play a part in what transpires now. Whatever the situation, communication is the key to everything and what you say in early June will have results or consequences in the second half of the month. Buying and selling is favoured at this time. Avoid pushing boulders uphill though and have patience as all good things take time; once Mercury zips into Gemini on the 14th, life will move along quickly. If you want to see something grow deep roots then diligence and thoroughness are the name of the game.
TAURUS: With your ruler Venus in her own sign from the 6th, you have everything going for you this month. Take the smooth, gracious way, going around challenging situations and people rather than confronting them. Mars in your sign will tend to bring out your assertive side leading to confrontations with people who have been in the background of your life. Curious revelations may take place but check facts as gossip can get out of hand. Venus will help in the form of a protective ally or simply because you are in a stronger position. Creativity may be at an all time high now and you may be attracted to activities that involve texture, colour, sound, taste or the arts. A sensual month, you could delight in buying new clothes or furnishings for your house or room. It’s the kind of month when you spot something in a shop window that leads to a whole revamp of your bedroom, lounge or wardrobe. Hopefully, you have already had time to come up with new concepts. The longer you take at anything, the more thorough and confident you will feel. There may be lots of financial paperwork to take care of from mid-June.
GEMINI: Happy birthday Gemini! There are lots of nice little bundles of planets gathering during your solar month. In particular is Mercury your ruler turning to direct motion as soon as June begins. Whatever you are involved with will receive a power boost as Mercury revs his engines ready for takeoff. However, whilst the take-off might be quick, the actual journey of what you have been doing behind the scenes will be a slow and thorough one but it will be from now that you will gain understanding. And even though you find yourself thrust into all sorts of activities and situations that draw you out of yourself, whatever is taking place behind closed doors or in private will have greater drawing power. Mars and Venus, the relationship planets, are travelling hand in hand together through the confidential area of your chart bringing to light secrets and hidden matters. The New Moon of the 23rd augurs a very fertile window to plant new financial projects; however, wait until the crescent appears on the 27th to initiate.
CANCER: Your birthday year begins at the Solstice on June 21st at 5:47pm. Your annual New Moon follows shortly after on the 23rd but it will take until the 27th before life gets moving in new directions for the next quarter of the year. Look for the crescent in the sky for your cue. From the 6th Venus in your friendship and group zone highlights an important relationship that has been forming over the past few months, perhaps via your career or a parent or through a public event. You might have high hopes for this liaison and it is likely that you will spend quite a bit of time with this person during the next month, which gives you time to develop something meaningful and based on mutual needs. On another level, this is a great time to invest energy and resources into your hopes and wishes and personal dreams that are distinct from professional aims. From the 14th there are private discussions taking place or you may find you have lots of paperwork that requires solitude. This phase will help clear the decks for your birthday year.
LEO: A career issue or work relationship may require joining forces for a period of study or travel in June. While you may not feel comfortable with the disruption to your routine the time and energy you put in this month will lead to the setting down of roots in the professional arena for some. For others, interacting closely with a parent could lead to changes in your life direction or lifestyle. Mercury turning direct in this area as the month begins also suggests that changes are on the horizon and that these changes have been taking place since mid April. Working on the land, real estate or farming may be signified with the earthy planets currently moving through your professional sphere. Relationships of all kinds enter a period of review once Jupiter turns retrograde on the 15th. This signifies that it could be time to take a new tack in a situation that has been going along at an erratic pace but again time is of the essence and it may take until October to end up on the same page as each other.
VIRGO: Your ruler Mercury is on the turn making the beginning of June a busy time when all that has been taking place since mid-April comes together. In Taurus, you need to attend to tasks in a practical and orderly manner even when there seems to be an urgency to wrap up negotiations or contracts – it can’t hurt to give the finer details a double check. In your sphere of learning and long distances, you may return to a module of study that began earlier in the year or you may renew a connection with people at a distance. Publishing or publicity may also yield results now so hopefully you have everything in place and facts and statistics all worked out. From the 14th, career and life direction will become emphasised and again discussions and paperwork will be pronounced. The Full Moon of the 8th may bring a certain amount of frustration in the home zone or with a child or creative endeavour but by the New Moon a wish may be ready to come true. Wait until the 27th to get cracking on personal hopes for the future.
LIBRA: The emphasis is on shared finances, property and resources as June begins. You will find yourself working closely with someone who has a shared interest in a mortgage, tax, insurance, claim or settlement issue, and discussions and research should prove fruitful if you are prepared to be dogged and determined. It’s all about negotiating and budgeting and creating a practical base from which to increase or keep your money or assets. From the 14th, the emphasis shifts to the bigger picture in your life and you may be considering travelling or expanding public awareness of your product or skills. This is also a good time to research what is available educationally or to brush up on a subject that you have already undertaken. Refreshing your knowledge will certainly help to further your lifestyle. The New Moon of the 23rd is a fertile time to put energy into your career, parents, authority figures or general life direction.
SCORPIO: With such a big emphasis on your opposite sign Taurus, June is the month to join forces with someone whom you work with or is prominent in your everyday life. A partnership may be hand and this could prove very fertile if you can agree to a working pact between the 6th and the 15th when Venus will be particularly powerful. A sense of frustration may surround a friendship or group endeavour but try to rise up above the petty details and see the big picture. From the 14th, Mercury moves into his own sign Gemini and into your shared resources, assets and finances sector. This will be a time filled with discussions, forms and contracts and something that was on the verge of beginning in the first two weeks of May will now take better shape and you can spend the time from the 14th focussing on details. Keep your focus on the facts at hand as there will be a tendency to be get distracted by the many different opinions and advice that are on offer. The Full Moon of the 8th highlights secrets and activities that are going on in the background and there may be a sense of dismay or frustration but try to keep focussed on the bigger picture rather than getting too despondent. The New Moon of the 23rd highlights travel and education as well as your emotional life and how it connects to your belief system and by then you will have risen above the obstacles earlier in the month.
SAGITTARIUS: You may not achieve everything at breakneck speed at work, but joining forces with someone can certainly make life more pleasant. A nice working relationship may develop and you will be in good company. For others, an employee, tenant or tradesperson may become the rock that you depend upon to complete a task or project. With their practical nature, this person will ensure that a thorough job gets done but you will need to be patient since they take pride in using systems and going by the book. Take care with health this month. Sore throats and the neck area are vulnerable. Doing too much of a good thing can also make your system sluggish. Get out and about in the fresh air to clear your system. From the 15th there is a change of tide in the realm of siblings and neighbours, your communications and in any discussions. If you have been working on brilliant new concepts, a manuscript, an important letter, or if you need to research a large project this augurs a time when you will internalise your ideas and allow them to develop on an inner level. Your annual Full Moon occurs on the 8th highlights your career, a parent or life direction.
CAPRICORN: The Full Moon on the 8th highlights issues, people and places at a distance. Travel plans may tend to go awry due to a restrictive situation that will delay putting the big picture into place. For some of you, the same might be said for publishing ventures, importing, exporting or learning. For others, dreams or philosophical beliefs may throw you off kilter until you understand the reasoning behind what is taking place. On the other side of the cosmos, the realm of children, love, romance, your social life, and all the pleasant things that one does in their spare time will receive a powerful boost from Venus as she travels with Mars through this area. Some of you may be delighted with a pregnancy while others will delight in the progress or company of a child. Creatively, this is an excellent time to work diligently on artistic pursuits. Investments and speculation are also favoured but take care with advice and research your interests. This is the half way point of your solar year making this a great time to take stock. The New Moon of the 23rd will be significant for relationships and dealings with other people.
AQUARIUS: The home front is where all the action takes place for Water Bearers this month. With Mercury turning direct as June begins, a situation that has been delayed will slowly begin to make progress and by the 6th, there will be a visitor or family member who plays a starring role. Life can be fun now - you just need patience with the earthy, slow moving people around you. Property sales or renovations will move into a new phase so if you have been involved in negotiations or want to complete a sale, June is the month when this will happen. You will need to sort out finances though as the Full Moon of the 8th highlights money that is tied to other people, whether a finance company, current or ex-partner, inland revenue or credit card providers. There may be some aspect of your balance sheet that does not sit right. Look at the finer details and make sure everything is structured properly. This may be a time to consolidate and streamline projects that were put into action six months ago. From the 14th your house of pleasures, children, romance, investments and speculation are all favoured. Communication, research and your use of agile thinking are all very important then.
PISCES: Writing, research, communication, siblings, neighbours, short trips and your immediate environment are all highlighted in a positive sense this month. Life will move forward slowly but surely during the month of June. You will be able to focus properly on a property, domestic or family-related project that began in the first weeks of May from the 14th when Mercury moves back into this area. Jupiter, your ruler, turns retrograde on the 15th in the area of the hidden but since it is close to Neptune, a planet that inspires, you will realise just how much protection, support and internal resilience you truly have on your side despite the feelings that you are somehow set apart from your objectives. A time of magical thinking, you will become aware of people, attitudes or activities that you had not been previously. This will last until the end of 2009 and this special event will be related to your career, trade, a parent or your general life direction. By year end, you will literally be amazed at how much things have changed before your very eyes. Setbacks at the Full Moon on the 8th reveal what you need to restructure, reorganise or review.