Friday, January 29, 2010

February 2010

PLANET REPORT: February will be a mixed bag of cosmic goodies that will be hard to define with so many conflicting patterns occurring as old cycles coincide with new and planets move contrary to their normal motion. Firstly, we move into a new 12-year cycle created by Jupiter entering sensitive Pisces on January 18th, secondly we are in the closing square of a much longer Saturn and Pluto cycle, and thirdly, Mars is retrograde until March and won’t get out of its own way until May, slowing our vitality and making decisive action difficult. Fourthly, we are moving out of the eclipse season. Saturn and Pluto are the big guns to be mindful of as their energy creates dramatic events that could mask the good that Jupiter offers (the trick is to separate our lives into compartments so that one supports the other). Acting as the social backdrop until September, these two were last together in tense aspect in 2001. As we know from the events of that year (9/11), this means that over the next seven months, we are once again in a phase where global happenings exacerbate personal experiences. Leaving behind the eclipses that blotted the celestial landscape during December and January, complicated February begins with a waning Full Moon that occurred on January 30th in Leo. This Full Moon carries the energy of the annular solar eclipse that occurred on January 15th (close to the Haitian earthquake). As a result, life is likely to be unsettled and insecure despite the underlying sense that new beginnings are taking hold with the ethereal Jupiter in Pisces transit. Occurring very close to Mars, which is travelling in a very lethargic condition until March 11th, the residual internal tension and stress of the Full Moon on Jan 30th will subside as the month continues. And pertaining to these events, we will have a small window of time between May and early June to act with decisiveness. On Valentine’s Day, a very romantic but somewhat rose-coloured and unrealistic New Moon will occur at 3:52pm in Aquarius. Wanting to immerse ourselves in the finer feelings and experiences that Jupiter now makes clear, decisions need to be made carefully in the second half of February. This applies especially to relationships where it is all too easy to imagine traits or situations that are not really there. Because of Neptune’s spell-binding influence at the New Moon, even with the best of intentions, we need to make (and take) promises very carefully, or, make assumptions with care. Finally, despite the continued decay of the old facets of our lives, we still want to maximize Jupiter travelling through its own sign Pisces. This fresh once-in-12-year cycle coincides with the Chinese Year of the Tiger which can be lucky, protective and full of creative idealism and this will greatly help to deal with the larger, destructive patterns that mask the real beauty of life. If we have not over-reached the mark in the last few years, this can be a very productive year where dreams can come true; but in the areas where we have over-stepped or misjudged it will take longer to see the true potential – the trick is to still spot the potential and work toward achieving it – anything can be turned around now.

ARIES: In January 2011, Jupiter will enter your sign kicking off a fresh 12-year cycle of self-development that will involve spreading your wings via bigger and better approaches and attitudes to life. Future prosperity depends on learning how to get out of your own way this year; and the introspective nature of 2010 helps clear the emotional and physical clutter of your inner life and examine relationships, which will take on greater meaning in the context of your career, in the second half of 2010. By doing this the way will be clear in 2011. Over the next 12 months wipe the slate of your past and learn about the effects of people and places that you may or may not realise were important. Health and well-being are very important too in the first half of 2010 as your emotional life takes shape. Choose confidantes with care and be aware that secrets can emerge as part of an overall process.

TAURUS: This is a year when we will all find become aware of certain habits, attitudes, involvements and activities are hard to avoid when it comes to changing the negatives into positives. There is the realization that so much is ingrained and automatic and that work is needed to break free. You have the potential to count on friends and associates to provide support or open doors when others are closing. When it comes to child-related activities there is one final chapter to contend with before the way is clear – use your experience in this situation to make final decisions by mid-2010. A health or work issue may recede but be aware that it will return later in the year so keep your medical life on track with sensible diets, advice and exercise. Your home and domestic life will prove frustrating as so much is stuck, but slowly by March and then by June, the plug will release and you can blaze new trails.

GEMINI: Finding a balance in your leisure time and children will be better achieved in the second half of 2010. You have had a glimpse of what the future holds with the potential to express and enjoy your spare time or your creativity or talents (this may or may not include children) but there is still one last chapter of your family and domestic life that will require another shot between April and July – try to plan for this and use sensible means to approach situations. The New Moon of the 14th will bring a beguiling opportunity in your career or life direction but be sure to examine every angle rather than blinded by the apparent opportunities. You have the chance to expand and grow career-wise but situations now require that you to learn to walk before you can run. Budget well for financial costs associated with investments, hobbies, children or leisure time activities as this seven-month situation can eat into savings quickly. Sort out taxes, claims, insurance and settlements with diligence and be aware that it will all take time and resources.

CANCER: With Jupiter nicely poised with your sign, this is the year when educational heights can be achieved so that by 2011, you will be ready to expand and grow on a career or lifestyle level. Travel and publishing all hold the same lofty potential and sources of inspiration. At ground zero, however, we are all facing the barrage of Saturn and Pluto’s unfriendliness towards each other (last time was 2001) and this will have a particularly profound impact upon Crab’s intimate and public relationships as well as home life, which is under intense review until September. Keep hold of your ideals, prayers and beliefs as this is how you can draw down the inspiration to move through obstacles and be patient while dramas play themselves out. Mars continues to pull the purse stringers tighter but by March, May and finally June you will feel the brakes releasing and a wealth of potential will be revealed. Be thorough and diligent in your research in whatever you do.

LEO: Mars continues to hamper and frustrate your activities but by March you will be much clearer on which way to forge ahead. Burning issues have taken up much of your energy leaving little left over for your personal activities. Rest assured that you will emerge stronger and much better placed after March. In the meantime, with the emphasis on health and well-being, rest as much as you can and spend time reviewing your place in the world. Siblings, communication, neighbours and your daily travels are under scrutiny now as Saturn and Pluto squeeze against one another and it is all a matter of making the most of limited resources that do hold opportunities that will become evident in the long run. It is a time of extremes so allow yourself the luxury of flexibility as you swing from one end of the spectrum to other.

VIRGO: Your annual Full Moon occurs on March 1st emphasizing - in a big way - whatever began six months ago. A busy month, other people will play a large role in whatever you are doing and in some ways your fate is in their hands. The trick is to be considerate but not to the point where others are taking advantage of your vulnerabilities. Be patient and, most importantly, try to see others in a true light or run the risk of having your plans derailed; keep your thoughts and plans at a realistic level too when others are pumped up with their own ideals and an optimism that does not apply to your situation. At the same time, you can only expect so much from others so listen to what they have to say but do your own research and rely on your gut instincts. Having said that, other people are the ones to inspire you and bring alternative views when you are stuck for ideas.

LIBRA: Saturn is in the midst of the second of three major cyclical hits to Pluto that began last October and November 2009. The last will be August and September 2010 so there is still a way to go before life settles down. While it affects all of us because Saturn is in your sign, Librans will be particularly receptive to the effects, especially if you are born at the end of October. In your area of personal self and home and family life, this will have an impact on your state of mind, health and well-being, as well as your interaction with parents and other family members. There is much good that can come from this aspect, even if it is hard to see whilst life is changing so dramatically. Rebuilding your view of the world and, as a consequence, how others relate to you, will be one particular benefit but you will need to flow with the chain of events and allow the process to occur in its own time. At work, opportunities to realise a dream position, or to work with larger than life people will make your daily routine much more colourful than it has been. Pets too can make an appearance.

SCORPIO: Mars continues to dredge up old feelings about a career or parental situation, and even though you may feel you are on a treadmill and going round in circles, all will be revealed after March when situations will grind into the next gear. Patience and thoroughness is the name of the game as it will take until at least June to close this particular chapter that has been drawn out and filled with drama. For some Scorpios, parenthood, other people’s children, or the thought of children, as well as your creative potential, will go through amazing leaps and bounds this year and you may also get a hunch and take a gamble on something that pays big dividends - keep within your limits though, seek advice where necessary and remain realistic. Other Scorpios may suddenly get the urge to fill your spare time with activities that are aesthetically appealing or physically soothing but demanding, like swimming.

SAGITTARIUS: Your ruler Jupiter moved into its other own sign Pisces in January and will remain here until next January. In your zone of family and home life, there will be a strange feeling of insecurity mixed with an underlying optimism that life could be very different by making a few adjustments. While it is imaginative and altruistic, Pisces is not a decisive sign so a lot of your impulse to do something different will arise from your feelings than from solid events. Some of you may desire more space and will either renovate or move to a larger home while others will attract people into your domestic sphere who come from other another or culture. Either way, it’s the sense of boundaries being removed that gives you the greatest thrill. The trick is to do your homework thoroughly before making any moves. Life will also be full of fits and starts until June so take your time whilst holding on to your dreams.

CAPRICORN: Your ruler Saturn continues its war-dance with Pluto this month but at least you are now becoming very familiar with the theme of events that began to emerge last October and November and have a better handle on them. By August and September much of the reconstruction that is taking place will be set in concrete so seize the opportunity between now and then to make sure you are building strong foundations rather than become defeated by seemingly insurmountable obstacles. And despite the unknown nature of events that life deals to all of us this year that we know you cannot avoid, it will be the ability to use the knowledge and experiences you are gaining to look to the future. Think, speak and write in a much bigger and louder voice than you have been. Keeping a journal, blogging or sharing thoughts with others can keep you inspired. You could be amazed by what you discover by taking the time to jot things down.

AQUARIUS: It won’t be until after March 11th that a burning relationship issue can begin to resolve itself and it won’t be until after June that the heat will completely disperse. The Full Moon of Jan 30th will have brought many issues to the table and the residue of these situations and feelings will colour the first half of February. By the 14th, the New Moon in your sign will soften your resolve and bring a new set of conditions that encourage you to visualize the potentials and possibilities; however it would be wise to wait until March so that you know you are acting from a solid perspective. So much is going on behind the scenes right now that relates to your past and the bigger picture of your life and you need to sort the wheat from the chafe. This longer-term pattern won’t be complete until September 2010. Financially, a different picture emerges. Jupiter in this zone until next January draws the creative potential from all fiscal dealings. It is important to separate your life into compartments so that you don’t miss the fertile opportunities that are beginning to emerge now.

PISCES: It might take some time to define the potential possibilities that are inherent in Jupiter’s 12-yearly transit through your sign but if you are vigilant and observant, all will be revealed as the year wears on. Masking Jupiter’s softer, gentler and more optimistic energy, a larger pattern of cosmic energy that is part of an older closing cycle is at work this year. And despite the sense that some aspects are changing too dramatically, you don’t want to miss out on all the underlying creative goodies on offer. The trick is to ring-fence the different areas of your life so that you can maximise the good in one area and soften the changes in others, such as friendships and financial dealings with other people. It could be as simple as learning to say no to some situations and yes to others. By September, this older process of breaking down will be complete and once you are down to the bare bones, if you have tuned into Jupiter despite the obstacles, you will be well-placed for the next 12 years.

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