Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Twist-O-Scopes Summer Edition: June to August 2011




Written by Tracey Rizvi

ARIES: Life continues to be full of complex riffs but there’s a very simple tune to listen out for this summer and that’s Super-Jupiter’s entry into your money zone on June 4th. The bringer of plenty, this cosmic gardener will till the fertile soil right up until June 2012. It all depends on what you sow but this is your once-in-12-year chance to plant acorns that will surely turn into oaks. Open the tool-shed and examine the values, resources, talents and connections you’ve made over the last year and then set to work weeding your financial garden to make room for crops that keep will on producing once the hard work is done. Money is often linked to power and confidence and once you start seeing results and numbers stacking up, you will feel so sexy knowing that you’re finally able to direct your own your financial future. Like a sensuous summer afternoon, take life slowly.

TAURUS: This is it Taurus! You may not have been consciously aware of it, but once it starts, you’ll realise that the little itch you’ve been feeling in the soles of your feet has been the prelude to full-blown wanderlust. Look back to the beginning of this millennium to see what experiences, events or situations shaped the cycle that is closing. From June 4th, when Jupiter enters your sign for a whole 12 months, a new circle of events begins and many doors will slip back to reveal gloriously rich pastures that are now on your side of the fence. Your view of the world has been defined by what is around you but now there are very real ways broaden your mind, body and spirit. Take it at your own pace with your super-heightened senses on full alert for physical experiences that invite total engagement, commitment and passion.

GEMINI: Growing from the inside out is Jupiter’s message when he moves into your secret-self zone from June 4th. Over the next twelve months you will be preparing your life from behind the stage curtains that will go up in June 2012 when a new 12-year era commences in your sign. Right now though your flighty nature will be tamed and you will be quite content to work privately on inner issues that have their roots in the past. Yoga, therapy, meditation are just some of the positive ways you can etch deep changes slowly into your life. Developing good habits and routines is another. Since you like to view the world from an intellectual perspective, it could be time to get involved physically and connect your mind to your body and heart. Jupiter in Taurus is an extremely sensuous but practical combination. The eclipses in June will shift many attitudes.

CANCER: With three eclipses in a row (June 1st and 16; July 1st) your nerves may stretched and your emotions spilling all over the place just as your birthday year begins. But with the strong bonds that are being forged within your social circles, a friend, an associate, or even a band, club or team member whose rock-solid presence and broad shoulders is right there, you will make it across the rough terrain. Maybe it’s time to dust off those old dreams and hopes that are distinct from your career because that’s where the biggest opportunities lie now. Look within your social circle for opportunities even though it won’t be until late in the year that you will be able to see results, rewards or reconciliations from what takes place during the summer months. It’s all about your health in June, relationships in July and money in July and August.

LEO: If ever there was a time to capitalise on your fame, infamy, credentials or reputation, June 4th to June 2012 are the months to step into the spotlight and stake your claim or territory, or nail your name on the door. You’ve got 12 months to show the world and results won’t start to appear until the end of the year but there are great things happening on a larger scale, despite the emotional landmines to navigate around over summer. Great results require time, money and energy as well as patience, determination and will but the outcome can be extremely lucrative. What happened back in 1990/2000 that you might learn from Jupiter’s new 12-year spin? As the saying goes, however tall the mountain, there is always a road. Keep this in mind as you strive to rise up and over the obstacles of the past few years.

VIRGO: The next twelve months are about relationships, partnerships, agreements, pacts and deals that take joint projects, promises or positions to the next level. Whether it’s sharing a common vision, ideal or belief, starting up or moving a business overseas or interstate, getting married, or relocating because of your partner’s job, you welcome the sense of expansion. From June 4th, Jupiter moves into your zone of wider and brighter - but more secure – territories. It will be a gradual process becoming accustomed to shifting mental and physical barriers but once you can see the bigger picture, you won’t be able to resist making a move. For single Virgins, there’s just as much desire to expand your knowledge and skill base, or to move to a place where relationships can flourish. Watch for landmines on June 1st, 16th, July 1st. By your New Moon on August 29th, you’ll be ready to move.

LIBRA: The swift turn-around of long term setups and situations that you had with other people prior to June, will shift again over the summer months. From the 4th, sharing the spoils of business, financial or property-related ventures or agreements becomes easier to do. The start of a big new 12-year cycle in your zone of shared assets and finances means it will become easier to view the bigger picture in a practical, no-nonsense way. The fact that you are wasting money, energy and time fighting over the division, handling or future of what you own or share with others becomes crystal clear and this makes it easier to let go or simply agree with each other. On the other hand, exciting new partnerships go from the first flush to setting down practical agreements with each other. It’s a big time ahead for joint ventures so take practical advice where you can.

SCORPIO: A marriage, a pregnancy, a birth, the signing of a document or an extra-special announcement could be in the stars for Scorpios over the next year. As the summer months gently bathe you in Jupiter’s special glow from your relationship and partnership zone, a casual liaison can develop into a duet where you cover everything from philosophies, politics or parties to being totally passionate about a creative or financial project with great potential to grow. Whatever the circumstances, it’s the sealing and cementing of a relationship that will make the rest fall into place. It could also be a very creative collaboration where you can bounce ideas off each other, or perhaps one of you is the banker and the other is the baker.

SAGITTARIUS: Life is about to get a whole lot busier so tune your guitar, practice your scales, update your resume, or whatever talent you may possess, and take to the streets! From June 4th, it’s time to make your dreams a reality. Jupiter will be the cosmic talent scout who holds the key to work opportunities and savvy connections in whatever industry you work in right up until June 2012. You can’t afford to sit back and wait for life to knock on your door though – it can happen but only if you have put in the groundwork and the right people know where to find you. Your health is so important too because Jupiter is all about the big things in life and as a lover of everything that can be consumed, can easily expand the waistline. Work hard to resist temptations and keep yourself in tip top shape.

CAPRICORN: Let’s get the party started Capricorn! When Jupiter moves into your party zone from June 4th, it’s time to lighten up from all those career and life direction decisions and take to life’s dance floor. It’s all about balance and putting the song back into your heart! If you are single, you can suddenly find yourself face to face with your future partner – whether it’s at the art gallery, a play, a friend’s party or at the club – you just never know unless you are there. For others, there are still as many reasons to celebrate in the coming 12 months – a pregnancy, a birth, a creative coup, a sporting achievement, an investment, or even a son’s or daughter’s graduation into the next level of their life. Yes, the bigger, life-changing dilemmas will still be there but somehow it all becomes that much easier to win friends and influence people.

AQUARIUS: Life continues to be a learning curve that will bring rewards in the long run. Saturn’s presence in the bigger picture zone of your chart means it’s easy to keep your eyes on those distant horizons. You know now that short term thrills are a thing of the past but you’re happy about that because you can see the progress that patience and determination brings. Big Jupiter moves into your home zone from June 4th so this means larger and brighter spaces on the domestic front. Whether you upgrade, renovate, decorate or extend your current premises to make more room, home is where the heart is in the coming twelve months. And if you can’t go to the party, then bring the party to you! Your home swells with visitors from distant places, extended family visits or reunions with people from the past. You are the perfect host this summer.

PISCES: The floodgates are opening and you’ve bucketfuls of inspirational ideas to write, sing or talk about in the coming 12 months - it could feel as if you finally know why you have been put on planet Earth! With gentle Neptune coming back home to your own sign, you are now in a very mystical and mysterious phase that you will quickly adjust to even if it feels slightly psychedelic to begin with. Go with the flow and let the purple haze wash over you. Couple Neptune with Jupiter in practical, patient Taurus cruising through your thinking zone from June 4th, you have a potential-filled, inspiring combination that is yours for the taking. The power of thought can also heal the surfacing wounds of battles past as you enter into this new age of magical thinking. The trick will be separating fantasy from fact and recognising which ideas to run with.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Twistoscopes Forecast for 2011

TWIST-O-SCOPES are published in Twisted South Magazine

Annual Forecast for 2011

Written by Tracey Rizvi


MATING, DATING, RELATING: On your marks, get set, GO! On January 23rd, Jupiter returns to your sign for a visit that only occurs every 12 years. Yes, it’s all about you, so give it your best shot! The next six months can be huge for making an impression and leaving your mark. Doors are already half ajar – you had a glimpse of the possibilities in June-September 2010 – but relationships will continue to throw up repetitive themes that won’t resolve so quickly. You can’t do it on your own Aries, so take the ram by the horns and realise that before you can move on, old karma must be sorted through, boxed up and then stored away before you can feel truly free. If you are looking for a quick getaway, the bad news is this relating theme is there until October 2012! The good news is that if you can get the hang of giving and taking, you will have rock solid backing from others. Older, mature, wiser and more experienced people will be the yin to your yang, pulling you back before you leap. Circle April, June and October as turning points in relationships.

FORTUNE, FATE, FINANCES: Jupiter is the bearer of gifts when he knocks on the door of your money zone on June 4th. Open the door quickly and let him in Aries! Once he is there, your patience, doggedness and determination will be rewarded with practical opportunities. You can establish, develop or capitalise on a business venture now, or score a contract, land a role and increase the money flow. What you do in June could be very lucrative but there is no such thing as a free lunch! Think in terms of months rather than days or weeks. You’ve got until June 2012 to invest time, money and energy to pull it off. This means that time is on your side so do it well and do it thoroughly! In the second half of 2011, the desire to build long-term security grows. It will be easier to squirrel away small amounts of cash that morph into one big amount of money, equity or cash-flow to be used for larger ventures. It all hinges on what you value most in life, recognising your own resources and talents and building on what is already at your fingertips. April is a big month for both relationships and money, while October is the month to run a review.

MIND, BODY, SPIRIT: Big, brash and bold, your attitude is definitely in the right place. You’re an industrious artisan, you work hard, fast and long for your money but, before you know it, the candle has burned at both ends and your famous vitality dims. You may be too busy to notice what your body is telling you but you’re heading toward a lengthy stretch between November 2011 and June 2012 where you will have to slow down and be kind to yourself. It will be the little things that count later in the year. Paying attention to details, being organised and efficient means you won’t blow a fuse trying to feverishly perfect and polish big projects. You’re spontaneous by nature but this year you need to run your life like a spreadsheet. Itineraries and schedules are important so that you’re not manically overworking to meet deadlines. Develop equilibrium between work and play, overindulgence and abstinence all year long so that when this phase starts everything will be nicely balanced. Growth is good, but too much too fast can play havoc with your nervous system. Take a stress-test with the events, people and projects that show up in March and August as they will be connected to your health and wellbeing later in the year.


As 2011 opens, you sense that bigger and brighter things are just around the corner. Though sceptical of feelings, trust this instinct Taurus because Jupiter is about to make a 12-year come-back to your sign on June 4th and will stick with you until June 2012. If you go with the flow of this cycle, you will spend the first half of 2011 finishing off old business, clearing your internal hard drive of the past and readying yourself for a new cycle of experiences. Travelling, learning and promoting yourself will spin you into the weft of new social circles, and if you are single, you may actually enjoy the thrill of variety that being free brings. And even if you fly solo, you will be glad for the lack of schedule and commitment that relationships tend to impose. Married? Your relationship can go from strength to strength with the new viewpoints and attitudes that you are developing. You are indeed lucky if your partner can develop right alongside you in his or her own way. But if not, remember that differences in opinion, beliefs and activities can create an interesting counterpoint. May, August, October and December are relationship months when the ebb and flow of your interactions bring interesting changes.

FORTUNE, FATE, FINANCES: Your attitude, actions and abilities will have a huge impact on your income, investments and money prospects in approximately 18 months time. By June 2012 you will be able to capitalise on the personal improvement plans you set out to achieve this year. Be open to opportunity, believe in yourself and also know that once you look at life from vastly new angles, anything is possible. Keep focused on main projects but also keep the skills, tools and knowledge that you are familiar with honed to perfection. They say it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert in something, so just as the Beatles honed their skills to perfection in Hamburg, you have the chance this year to sharpen, shape and structure your talents, flairs and abilities during the next year or so. Showcasing and promoting yourself is also another way to gain recognition and imbed your image in other people’s minds and emotions. Your life direction and lifestyle has gone through many incarnations in the past few years but idealism has been the most consistent thread. It’s been a glamorous road at times, disappointing at others. March-April brings sudden changes and by August you will be ready to move into the next chapter.

MIND, BODY, SPIRIT: If you are going to be spending lots of energy on moving up and onward in the second half of 2011, this is the year to get serious and sensible about your physical wellbeing and to pay attention to long-standing aches and ailments. With creaky old Saturn in your health zone until October 2012, stiffness and lack of flexibility will affect the day to day running of your life. Energising activities can also stimulate your system and help with the lack of energy and though people may think you are just being a lazy Bull, there is a reason for the lethargy! Mind over matter can help immensely and you can combat fatigue by not putting off till tomorrow what you can do today. You need to work at tasks slowly and methodically rather than rushing through chores but procrastination will be your biggest hurdle to overcome and conquer. By keeping on top of it all, you can avoid a deadly pile up which only makes you want to go back to bed. Seek the advice of traditional healers and try trusted remedies rather than going to the far left for cures. April is the month to make secret resolutions to give up bad habits or become aware of your health.


If you are in a serious relationship and you’ve had issues surrounding the realm of children – from pregnancy to adoption to child-minding - this is a year when you can strike a balance and come to an agreement. And even if you have issues other than procreation to work out, compromising and cooperating with each other becomes the sensible thing to do. Intimacy may take on a more traditional slant, no matter how young or old you are, and it’s all a matter of forging bonds that are not related to your sexual life. On the other hand, if you meet someone new, you could feel like you’ve always known them, or, there may be a large age-gap. Watch out for a Libran or Capricorn whose outlook, attitude, knowledge or wisdom makes a huge impression. Your social circle or team, band or club network could also provide a fertile breeding ground for relationships to flourish. One or two of these acquaintances may turn into long term friendships or even marriage. This is definitely a year to sign up to a club or group or even start your own band (or break away from the one you are already in). A year of opposites, friends and comrades are big, bold and very brash.

FORTUNE, FATE, FINANCES: The last year or so has seen your career morph from one extreme to the other – feast or famine – but, overall, you will now have a greater sense of how the land lies and which road to take. It’s been a breath-taking ride never knowing what will happen from one day to the next but from January 23rd, your career, ambitions or professional projects will settle into a groove; you may even join forces with like-minded individuals who introduce you to new concepts and ideas. Just when you thought there were no new sounds, scripts or scenes that can possibly be written or explored, along comes someone with a brilliant new concept for an album, movie, book or play. 2011 could be all about taking risks and following your personal dreams and, just like any pioneer, bravery and boldness will be star qualities to develop. January and then, six months later, July, will be wobbly turning points in finances as will March, April and September. A lot of emotional investment will go into the division or sharing of resources, assets or royalties so seek help or advice from an impartial source. Backup plans and or rescue package could be handy this year.

MIND, BODY, SPIRIT: The health issues that lingered during late 2010 will have all but cleared by the time 2011 begins. Your chart looks clear of any major issues surrounding your wellbeing so you should be in robust shape this year. Gemini folk have a natural inclination toward vulnerabilities in the lungs, hands and shoulder areas as well as the reproductive and elimination system so it’s always worthwhile, no matter how well you feel, to look after your body and conquer cravings for the addictive substances you may tend to indulge in. If you are travelling between mid-January and late-February you will be attracted to unusual foods that can either bolster your health or wreak havoc so if you are in doubt, try to stick to a conventional diet. From late-February to early-April, pushing yourself hard to achieve elusive goals could take its toll so make sure you are in tip-top shape for the long hours ahead. Mercury retrograde times always tend to have an effect on your thinking processes which in turn affect your health. March-April, August and November-December will be when the Trickster goes off air.


The intensity of the powerful internal and external changes that are currently shaping your relationships – from friend to foe, rival to companion – continues into 2011 but by now you will be adjusting, like all Crabs naturally do, to the sea-changes that ebb and flow through your interactions. It’s all or nothing now, feast or famine, in the issues, people or situations that bring you into much closer contact with people who have huge auras. January will be an active time where the balance of power needs to be understood so that everyone feels less defensive and protective. Somehow, the issues and dilemmas that crop up this year will have a flow on effect on your home life (and vice versa) so there is little escape from the pressure to restructure your affairs. If you are thinking of making a commitment in a business or romantic liaison, boundaries and agreements are very important to keep you feeling balanced. While this is a red-hot, passionate year, play it cool. Once you team up with someone, you give it everything you’ve got. Leave neediness, jealousy and insecurity at the front door of the home, office, board room or bar. January, April, June and November will be significant months and new friends and social circles develop from June.

FORTUNE, FATE, FINANCES: Now that super-Jupiter has hit the top of your chart and will remain there until June, the sky is the limit as far as your aspirations, ambitions and aims are concerned. January will be the amazing sequel to the opportunities and openings that presented themselves during 2010 and from March, Uranus will move into this area for the next 8 years! Circle January 23rd and March 11th as huge turning points. Give it all you’ve got Cancer to cash in on the publicity you mustered up last year and push your reputation for being quick, decisive and on the ball. Around March 28th, you may need to take a step back and stick to what you know, or to deal with family and domestic issues, but otherwise the world is your oyster to put yourself out there or make dramatic changes to your life direction. Freedom of expression is the theme you will consider first and foremost – free to work the hours you like, free to parent the way you like, or free to express your talents or accept or reject career options as they arise – 2011 is all about your individuality in relation to the bigger world. September- November is when you will amplify your earning potential.

MIND, BODY, SPIRIT: High voltage experiences and exposure, means that your sensitive system needs low voltage rest and relaxation. Your digestive system does not deal with fast-foods or skimpy meals and if you starve yourself or overindulge in too many rich or vitamin-deficient foods, you will soon feel out of balance. Calming yourself in outdoor environments such as parks, beaches and gardens is the perfect antidote to high stress times. Being around animals can also be soothing. Red alert months for health are January when relationship issues push all your buttons, April when you feel professional issues are taking off, July when you regroup yourself as a new birthday year comes around and emotions swell over as well as October, November and December when a series of eclipses affect you sensitive Moon-ruled creatures. Read the fine print in insurance documents in November. Grounding yourself and keeping sight of your dreams and goals is all you really need to do when the going gets tough. Listen to practical friends between June and December as they have financial know-how or connections that can open doors. A fertile time to plant seeds that will make money for your firm, family or future, or, lay down a new soundtrack for your non-career goals.


The foggy quality of your relationships over the past few years is about to become history. In 2012, Neptune, the dream-weaver, will move out of your relationship zone, lifting the veil so that you can see others for who they really are. Between April and August, you will get a glimpse of how just how the landscape between you and others has changed but it won’t be until February 2012 that this long-running soap will change into something else (such as dealing with the financial side of shared resources, assets and finances). You may just discover that for every sinner, there has been a saint, and that for every saviour, there has been someone who has been saved. It all depends on which side of the fence you are sitting on and at varying times since the late ‘90’s (yes that’s how long you’ve been under the spell of Neptune) played out one of these roles. 2011 is all about communicating and balancing up the karmic sheet between you and others. A brother, sister, aunt or uncle may play a significant role in steering your relationships onto a new path. It’s time to return to the traditional way of thinking about how you mate, date and relate.

FORTUNE, FATE, FINANCES: Mercury retrograde times often send your finances haywire wire. Circle August-mid-September when - on the brink of important financial decisions - personal circumstances, your health, your image or attitude will prevent you from forging ahead as quickly as you would like. Use this time to take a second look at facts, figures and folders for a missing piece of vital information. Debts, mortgages, insurances, claims, settlements or tax issues have probably gone through many changes over 2010, with unusual circumstances erasing the slate, or, at the very least, urging you to leap into action to split or consolidate assets or money. From January, there will be less need to panic as you adjust to your new situation. Your ability to look at the big picture will be your winning weapon in work, career or business projects up until June, and scaling and pruning ideas in March will leave you with the bare facts and concepts to begin again. Avoid power struggles in February as you aim for heights that other people can’t quite visualise. But from November strive very hard to streamline your financial life. Until February 2012, you have an extended chance to sharpen financial resources or readjust your values.

MIND, BODY, SPIRIT: There’s a big emphasis on health as the year begins so Lions will probably have their wellbeing high on their list of New Year’s resolutions. You will be more sensitive than most to what is taking placing in your own body, making this a year to eliminate, cleanse, transform and heal so that bones, teeth and skin can rejuvenate. Some of you may even become obsessed with restructuring and reshaping, whether at the gym or under the knife. Seek expert advice if you are taking drastic measures and check out the credentials, motives and health packages that you are considering. With Mars activating your health sector until mid-February, you are very likely to spring into action as the year begins, even making pledges to stick to it this time! Joining a gym, club or sports team is great for sociable Lions, but others may prefer a solitary place to work out, meditate or diet. For others, tender, stressed spots become inflamed and require attention. Be wary of slips, trips and falls! Your state of mind will also impact upon your body so cultivate positive thoughts and learn to balance intense periods of thinking with just as intense periods of exercise or play.


2010 was a big year for cultivating new relationships with people on all levels from romance to clients to business partners. By sharing the load, so much was lifted from your shoulders. For some of you, relationships have changed completely and the people you now find yourself surrounded by are completely different to the people you have known for years. A sense of separation may haunt you but within the space left by others, you will find a fresh feeling of freedom from the expectations, conditioning and responses that you would normally weigh up your life with. Totally independent and thinking for yourself, you will soon realise that blessings come in all shapes and sizes. For those with relationships that were on shaky ground, 2010 could have been a year for breaking up or making up. From January, the restlessness, wistfulness or longing will become a thing of the past when problems appear to shrink and vanish. Early January, could provide one last chance to reshape old interactions while April-June will be a preview for the mesmerising people who will appear in 2012. Separate reality from fantasy, smoke from mirrors because there’s more to new people than you think!

FORTUNE, FATE, FINANCES: Tightening the old purse strings is a must this year. Working to a strict budget or accepting a slower or lower flow of cash may be the only way to balance debt against credit. Being a master tactician, you will soon adapt to the trickle that can eventually turn into a torrent if you find creative ways to earn, save or use your cash and resources. Working longer and harder is the only way around Saturn’s sensible style as well as valuing the simple, no-frills lifestyle. The big bonus is that your appreciation for the unpretentious will increase and that you enjoy the sense of freedom from not having to own, store, insure or cart around loads of worldly possessions. On the other hand, while you are locked into mortgages, loans, claims, settlements and other financial obligations, sudden opportunities to break the mould will help you fly by the seat of your pants through any difficulties. March-April will be significant months for discussion, negotiation, adding and subtracting but be sure to double-check the fine print and wait until May to agree, sign or go ahead with deals, pacts and arrangements. October could be a month of conclusions so aim to have finances sorted by then. Opportunities lie in distant places or via the internet.

MIND, BODY, SPIRIT: From April, hazy, hard-to-put-your-finger-on ailments will all but vanish, or you will be able to define, diagnose and then get rid of anything that has sapped your energy or played havoc with your diet, digestion or general wellbeing. As early as mid-January-late-February you can take steps to consult professionals, consider alternatives or concoct a new regime with what comes to light. Over the past 10 years, Neptune has slowly but surely moved through your health zone making your body sensitive to additives, pollutants and substances at one end of the spectrum, vulnerable to dependency at the other. When Saturn moved into your sign in 2007 and moved out in July 2010, some of this may have come to the surface making you very aware of the physical effects of what you have ingested or been in contact with. Being the sign that is most aware of health and wellbeing, hopefully you’ve turned into your own Lesley Kenton and diet and exercise guru, arming yourself with books, websites and remedies to keep your body in tip-top shape. Your work and daily routine, also ruled by the same area, have been anything but routine, and that once employment or daily insecurities disappear, so will all the stress-related symptoms.


Never mind the New Year fireworks, with super-Jupiter blazing into Aries in January (with Uranus following closely behind) and into your zone of courtship, collaboration, contacts, comrades and clients, the people you consult, meet, hang out with or love will ensure you have a cracker year all around. In contrast to the serious, worried face that Saturn is carving out over in your personality zone, other people are like the Keith Moon to your Leonard Cohen - wired and ready to go. While you are cautious and deliberate, ponderous and deep, other people will be the drummer that drives the rhythm of your song. Welcome them, because without them, there is no beat to urge you to keep moving. While you might want to stay in your comfort zone and stick to the groove that you know best, there are new frontiers to conquer that can fit very nicely with your attraction to the traditional. Breakthroughs can happen! While February will be intense and March a real test of the bond, attraction, friendship or agreements you have between you, by June you can consolidate and cement shared assets and resources. October’s Full Moon will be the ultimate fireworks display though as events and situations from April reach a spectacular conclusion.

FORTUNE, FATE, FINANCES: Lady Luck can only invest in you if you are waving your lottery ticket, displaying your talents or showcasing your work or products. The people who say they have never won anything in their life are usually the ones who politely decline to take the odd punt. Commonsense will tell you though that you can’t win if you’re not in! Once Jupiter moves into your zone of financial co-dependence, corporations, departments and relationships, life turns a corner. If you know what you want, then you have upped the ante by 100%. Then again why wait for fate to find you when all you have to do is invoke your inner Warren Buffet. Think big, think better, think how can I alter, develop and influence shared resources, assets and finances? From June, you can begin to nurture and grow joint projects that involve shrewd, thoroughly researched borrowing, lending or the use of equity. For others, collateral damage can be avoided by visualising working solutions to debt such as slashing spending and increasing repayments or savings. For others still, Lady Luck could pay a visit in the form of a neat little parcel of money from an insurance claim, a tax return, an inheritance, windfall, bonus or payout.

MIND, BODY, SPIRIT: Putting off today what should have been done two weeks ago is a favourite Libran tactic! But Saturn in your sign urges you to stop giving yourself so much slack and get serious about your wellbeing, peace of mind and ease of spirit. Even if you spent a month living with Deepak Chopra as your personal guru, it is up to you to practice, perfect and prepare yourself for each day of nourishing living once you return home. And while it’s always about sleep, food and exercise, it’s also the company you keep, the hours you work, the thoughts you think and the activities you do in your spare time. For every hour of couch surfing, spend two in the garden or taking a walk, or look up from your work from time to time and actually be conscious of the moment. You will be amazed at how many of us are programmed to live life on automatic rather than authentically. Think positive, uplifting thoughts, cut back the hours at work and while the daily chores will always be there, instead of resenting, putting off or stressing out, take delight in how you carry out your duties or provide for family and friends. Balance is the keyword!


MATING, DATING, RELATING: The second half of 2011 is huge for Scorpions across all relationships. Legally, morally, ethically, emotionally or physically, from June there will be a large question mark hanging over the issue of commitment. Since Scorpio is the sign that is most loyal, long-lasting and lethal when it comes to the object of your affection, or the investment of your time and energy, then chances are high that it will be you who is seeking everyday reassurance from the person or people you collaborate with. 2010 was the year to meet, date, get to know or have fun with others but from June one of you will want to push the boundaries to see what the future holds. This could very easily lead to marriage vows, a declaration of friendship or the signing of a partnership. And while you may not rush off to India and celebrate your wedding in a tent surrounded by guards and tigers, you can make practical arrangements to sign, seal or symbolise your feelings, intentions or commitment. This zone also rules the opponent, rival, competitor or challenger and some of you may find that a final clash of wills, conflict of interests or compatibility issues brings things to a head.

FORTUNE, FATE, FINANCES: Whether you are a financial magnate, fashionista or out of work actor, being on-the-ball and up-to-date with skills, procedures, technology and trends will super-enhance your day to day routine and work prospects. Introducing the new and innovative will speed up efficiency, and will definitely put you up a notch or two in the pecking order or queue. Think like Superman because a swift turn-around and change of clothes can save the day whether you are employed, in business or looking for openings. You got a glimpse of these new methods, ideas, trends, fashions or changes in 2010 and in January, be open to novel experiences as possible. January is a last chance Texaco situation to take the opportunities on offer and you can’t afford to be too fussy, indifferent or in procrastination mode as the year begins. Take a pit stop in August and check under the hood so that in September you can take the credit or claim the kudos, awards or recognition that you deserve. Your stature, status or standing will be large and very much on display then and one little prick can blow your cover if are not prepared. Expand with caution in November and December 2011 and rethink financial strategies then.

MIND, BODY, SPIRIT: 2011 is also a year to wind down the old and reflect on what is passing into and out of your life. In October 2012 a significant 29-year cycle will begin in your sign that will be gruelling and intense. 2011 is the year to build strength, preserve health and increase personal knowledge. In contrast to the periods of great activity there needs to be periods of great introspection and quiet to allow yourself space to digest your experiences and put them into context so that you know exactly what areas are most important in the for the future. When it comes to your wellbeing, the danger lies when the call to reflect on your life and replenish your mind, body and spirit is ignored. March will be one of those months when events conspire to draw you into a place of solitude and peace unless you set aside this month as a time to draw in your horns socially, professionally or romantically. If you find that you are investing too much in other people and that their actions, words or feelings are not compatible with your own, then you may need to rethink how much time and energy you are willing to waste. Empower yourself!


MATING, DATING, RELATING: Like a sultan of swing, prepare to have your emotions set into motion when your zone of romance, dating and socialising come alive with amazing, unusual and totally new people, places and creative projects right up until June. What a magical potion: love, lust and passion will touch your creative nerve but can you sit still long enough to translate feelings into art. Probably not, so if you rely on real life experiences to create songs, scripts or stories, keep a log of ideas, visions, influences and thoughts so that when your life slows down, you will have a wealth of material to draw from. New liaisons may be temporary but you will pack enough into your hours together to make it feel like a life time of experience. Avenues of pleasure such as cruising markets together, or visiting clubs, theatres, restaurants and bars can breathe life into established relationships. At the other end of the spectrum, settled Archers may find themselves suddenly involved in the activities of children, or the question of commitment, parenting and activities surrounding your own or someone else’s children. A new addition to the family may even be on the cards or perhaps you are very proud of the achievements of your son or daughter!

FORTUNE, FATE, FINANCES: Donald Trump would be proud of your ability to spot an opportunity, capitalise on an investment or put your time, money and energy to good use. You are in a speculative phase up until June and taking a gamble can certainly pay off but, like a good magnate, do your homework thoroughly. Gut instincts are great but you need firm facts and figures when getting involved with people, corporations or new streams of income. Everything has to be on a level playing field so if the scale of power is tipped too far in one direction, think twice before signing on the dotted line. It could be more trouble than it is worth. If you are alert, you will see clues that arouse your suspicions as early as January when there is a build up of cosmic energy in your financial zone. Restructure your affairs around that time anyway so that you are in a good position to capitalise on lucky breaks, which are really the result of your hard work and canny sixth sense. Collaboration with a friend, group, band or cause may also be financially-based but again examine the details, question their credentials and clarify intentions, especially in March, which will be reality-check month.

MIND, BODY, SPIRIT: If mung beans and alfalfa sprouts have not been at the top of your shopping list, you can be forgiven for being sceptical that 2011 may be the year when you discover organic, earthy nutrition! And if fast-foods have been your menu of choice for far too long, from June – for health reasons or simply because you feel like a change – the world of home-prepared food becomes your secret delight at the end of the day. There is nothing like coming home to a warm, fragrant kitchen and delicious food to melt the stress. And after the hectic social, romantic or creative whirl of the first half of 2011, you will sink into routine, everyday activities like a comfortable armchair. It’s been 11 years since Jupiter cruised through your health and daily routine sphere, and even though some of you are older and have different needs and attitudes, there may be some connection to Y2K. Pets and vets are another feature of 2011 for some Archers. This could be the year when you fall hopelessly in love with that doggy in the window or you are adopted by a loving stray. If you already have a furry or feathered friend, then pay special attention to training, nutrition and general health.


MATING, DATING, RELATING: We Are Family may be the signature tune as 2011 begins but by May you are sure to be singing We Gotta Get Out Of This Place! And if it’s not your family that is the main repetitive theme this year, then living arrangements become the focal point of activities, dramas and major turning points, especially in April. Look for surprising visitors, an unexpected addition to the home, extreme flatmates or outrageous relatives. You may even find yourself moving to a new address for employment or health reasons (just as you might have done in Y2K when Jupiter last hit on this zone). Despite the stress, a psychedelic domestic life can turn your lifestyle around in a way that might not have happened otherwise. From June, all the turbulence and domestic mayhem could lead you into the arms of a lust-filled romance, a passionate love affair with a creative idea, or a passion for the theatre or a sport. A son or daughter may do extremely well under the new conditions too, or you may find you yourself in the position of mentor for someone else’s child. February is the most intense month, while March will stretch your nerves, money and patience to the limit.

FORTUNE, FATE, FINANCES: The dubious, doubtful or debatable condition of your financial world will soon be a thing of the past. For many years, nebulous Neptune has been coasting through this area creating ripples of uncertainty or times when money has slipped through your fingers. You may have experienced a dream run of financial luck that was hard to define, repeat or hold on to, but at other times some of you became involved in scams, stings and swindles, while others simply made bad decisions. In May, Neptune briefly moves out of this area giving you a taste of things to come, but it won’t be until 2012 that you can kiss goodbye to the ambiguous nature of your financial life. June 2011-February 2012, you can lay down new dreams for the future and level the playing field – the only requisite is to do this without using your own or other people’s assets, cash or valuables in a risky way. Take your resources and talents, cultivate new values and cross the great divide. Career-wise, you will in full view of VIPs who will observe, monitor and study you. There may be a lot of red-tape, big-wig decision-making but if you can pull it off, you will be set up for life.

MIND, BODY, SPIRIT: There are worlds within mysterious worlds with Pluto moving through your sign like a stealth bomber. Planting landmines in the form of people, events and places is his way of helping you move from one world to another and it will all eventually make sense. Since 2008, life has been intense for Goats but that’s because you are experiencing it first-hand, you are the hero or heroine of your own story, not just reading other people’s accounts. And not only is it about the changes and challenges that family, friends or even foes present, physically this is a time when your body morphs into a totally different shape or size. For some, this may be through health issues, giving birth or conscious decisions to change hair, body or face, but it will also be because the experiences you are going through are becoming part of your character. January will find you restructuring, reforming or reorganising your image, outlook or environment. Getting back to basics and stripping away unnecessary stress will ease the pressure and get you ready for the year ahead while July plays havoc with emotions. It’s natural and earthy all the way this year for Capricorns from the food you eat to the activities you do.


Yes! Neptune is on the brink of leaving your sign and packing up the confusion, masquerades, elusiveness and blurred edges of the last 13 years. Instead of being beamed up, you will feel yourself beaming down and becoming more solid by the day. Less likely to be blown around by your own or other’s whims, emotions, abstractions, distractions, addictions or ambiguity, your relationships will grow stronger as there become fewer reasons to save or be saved. You are in this together, as a unit, and together you can work toward mutual goals. You can call it another lonely day but you’re certainly not going your own way because the loner in you suddenly needs other people in a positive way! January-April, August-February 2012 are when you can build strong bridges instead of swimming through feelings never quite knowing what the other is really thinking. From the world at large, arrive gurus and guides from the realms of academia, publishing, the internet, and from the four corners of the world. Learning is what it is all about this year and well-travelled people are available to offer their perspective or knowledge until your own is completely in balance via your own experiences. January-February your charisma, drive and sex appeal shoots off the radar.

FORTUNE, FATE, FINANCES: January provides the last gateway where sudden swings of fortune propel you into the stratosphere of your financial life. Put in final proposals and pitches that you have been fine-tuning over the last six months. Relying less on your fiscal resources in 2011, from February, it’s your ideas, thoughts, communication style, originality and vision that will bring you “luck” as well as being mobile, on call and accessible – you never know who you will meet simply by answering a knock, call or invitation. And even though the first three months of 2011 will be full of potholes, January-June, you’ll find yourself hitting the road or pounding the sidewalk closer to home. Whether you are on tour, shooting, interviewing, researching, promoting, selling or delivering goods, your vehicle becomes your workplace as you roll through your town, city, community or neighbourhood. Wherever you are, and in spite of the obstacles in February, keep the ideas flowing and the lines of communication open to keep up the momentum of building and capitalising on the earlier breaks, backing and boosts of 2010. February’s Full Moon is both challenging and contrary while March is reality check month in the Ministry of Ideas but by April you can power ahead.

MIND, BODY, SPIRIT: There’s a song by Gerry Rafferty about giving up the booze and the one-night stands and while this might not apply to all Aquarians, some of you are aware that old habits that die hard now need to be slaughtered for good. In 2011, you will become more empowered to get to grips with your inner demons and to break the cycle of habits and patterns that began long ago. Key events may make you aware of the physical damage that repetitive vices can have, not just on your system but also within relationships or family. And whether it’s the fags, booze, one-night stands, food or relationships, most habits are based on emotional patterns that can be eliminated with the right mindset. Just like your clothes needs to be revamped from time to time, look at 2011 as the year to update your inner wardrobe so that what you wear spiritually reflects the modern, wiser person you are now. Someone born around October-November, December-January, perhaps on a professional level, may be able to help you unlock the door and sort through the pile. Working with dreams, or strengthening your philosophical or religious belief system may be all the hooks you need.


Now that rule-breaker Uranus is about to leave your sign after a seven-year gig of shattering, shaking, energising and turning your whole life inside out and upside down, mystical Neptune steps in between April and August to soften, relax and tone down the hard edges. You have been through one hell of a ride since 2003 and this has changed just about everything in your relationships. We need other people, or events and situations, to help carve out new responses, attitudes and ways of looking at the world so this means that the people you have known, loved or befriended might have all manifested, from time to time, the radical Uranus qualities that you are becoming. If you have needed to maintain your individuality, freedom and authenticity, then you will have met with people who challenge you by acting out neediness, inhibition or of being unsure of who and what they are. From March, this pattern alters and breaks up, leaving you free to enjoy, accept and integrate your own and other people’s qualities. January will be a key month that sums up the last year of amazing change both within yourself and your relationships while August and September will test the maturity challenges of 2010.

FORTUNE, FATE, FINANCES: With Jupiter shifting into your money zone in late January, 2011 could be the year when you wipe the slate clean and establish your credibility in the financial world. Make the most of January to tie up the amazing opportunities of 2010, however, skip February and March to begin changes, sign documents or negotiate the fiscal terms of contracts, employment terms or deals. Instead, use the obstacles of these months to examine and modify so that you can safely tick the reality checklist in the all right places. You may just find that what you really value in life has nothing to do with what’s on offer and this steers you in new directions of independent management, employment or the production of ideas. If you have cash stashed away, after March you are free to invest, buy or establish money-producing assets, shares or deals. And if you tend to change directions for a living as you search for that ultimate lifestyle, you can now grab hold of the ideals and goals that can eventually set you free. You learn best from direct experiences in life and travel, academia and the philosophical are part and parcel of how you gain this. All of this and much more is on offer now!

MIND, BODY, SPIRIT: August is the month to review memberships and health policies, and to take a second look at nutrition and exercise, or to check out alternative practices and practitioners. 2011 is the year when the George Harrison in you emerges as you develop an interest in mystical studies and an increasing attraction to quiet, contemplative activities. It’s a wise Pisces who can see that reclusive and reflective activities are the antidote to the high-wire activity of the past seven years. Things may seem strange or disorientating but that is Neptune’s watery qualities washing over you as he gently melts away the old and opens you up to the new, quieter you who was always there. Of course, this requires large chunks of time and big spaces to put into practice so you may find you are attracted less and less to the bright lights of the city and more to creature comforts. Physically, the last seven years have been exciting and refreshing, but tense and stressful, and so in the past! Go with the flow of the cosmic change taking place in Pisces after March, and get your mind, body and spirit to an elevated place, even if you can’t make it to the top of an actual mountain.

Friday, July 01, 2011

July 2011

PLANET REPORT: With a solar eclipse drawing the curtains up on July, we can expect something out of the ordinary to kick the month off. With a big emphasis on the four cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn - this is certainly an active month that contains an unusual mix of frustration and calmness.

Like a long wave that crests and smashes to shore at the New Moon of the 1st at 8:55pm (NZT), what makes this New Moon potent is the fact that it falls in the Moon’s own sign Cancer. The twist is that Saturn’s involvement acts like a sea-wall - solid and protective on the shore - so this wave is likely to hit the wall and barrel back over itself. This translates to a heightening of feelings (Moon in Cancer) but a blocking of our ability to process the ego (solar eclipse) in relation to other people’s emotions and responses.

The amplified nature of feelings means we are vulnerable to misreading cues and reactions and taking everything far too personally. The danger also lies with hair-trigger impulses ready to leap out. If we can side-step the sensitivity and work hard to release suppressed emotions safely, we can avoid the depressive thoughts that Saturn sometimes encourages. New Moons are always new beginnings but Saturn’s involvement means we will be scaling back and feeling cautious rather than charging ahead simply because it is hard to read into situations.

From a bigger perspective, new tenant in Taurus, Jupiter, trines Pluto in the first of a series of three connections in the lead up to July 8th; the second connection will be October 2011 and March 2012 linking all three months together like a daisy chain. In earth signs, we are likely to be given the tools to bridge gaps, cross divides and plough new fields but, while supposedly benefic in nature, trine aspects do not always translate into action or of using the tools properly. Sometimes they can indicate complacency or a presumption that things will work out simply because we have been handed the tools or they could point to lost or wasted opportunities.

Patience and deliberation is also important because whatever starts in July might not take shape until October and culminate in March 2012. Uranus, the eccentric rebel, turns retrograde on July 10th and adds to the swell of contradictory currents – the rebel within may have to reconsider what is worth rebelling against. The Full Moon in Capricorn stirs the melancholic pot on the 15th at 06:41pm when events from six months ago reach a culmination. Prepare for the reality of a situation but remember that things may appear worse than they really are. All in all, July is an irritatingly odd month that, without appearing so, can be used to weave connections, setup projects or build bridges to next March.

ARIES: Lunar activity splices across your domestic vs outer life sectors this month highlighting issues at home and in the family that are affected by, or affect, your career, life direction or public image. There’s actually quite a build-up of energy across the four quarters of your life – you, your home, your relationships and your career – so this might a signal a cross-roads for some. Despite the inner agitation of wanting to shake and move the stuck areas of your life, it’s the emotional base that requires the most energy. Family, parents or domestic issues kick off the month as an eclipse darkens the doorway of this area. View these situations as a chance to begin again despite the uncertainty and emotional wobbliness. Sometimes, we need a shove to get moving and even though it hurts at the time, we would stagnate otherwise. Financially, maximise the resources available to your within your career to be capitalised upon by next March.

TAURUS: A beautiful aspect between Jupiter in your very own sign and Pluto in your zone of higher thinking can help to strengthen your resolve and bolster your belief in yourself and the wider world. What you think, read or hear will help you navigate through the rest of the year and help smooth the turbulent communications and thought processes of July. Books, articles and subscribing to a certain belief – particularly older, tried and tested viewpoints - are your anchors now, especially when rocky issues between siblings and neighbours provide potentially problematic situations as July begins. Some of these issues would normally have the potential to destabilise your own ideas if it weren’t for the inner strength that shines through the melancholia mid-month.

GEMINI: With Mars in your sign all month, this is an intellectually active month. If there are letters to write, people to talk to or facts to digest, July is the month when you will feel compelled to make a stand. Yes, this can mean confrontation in discussions but this can be handled in many ways and a well-thought out reasoning process will give you a huge head start. Finances on the other hand, will follow an unpredictable path to the Full Moon on the 15th, which occurs in your zone of other people’s resources and money. This could mean that a settlement or claim may finally be resolved and even though the outcome may not be as good as you would have wished for, at least you can put it behind you. For others, it’s best to tackle situations associated with debt, insurance, tax, a mortgage or inheritance with a practical realistic mindset. Your strength this month lies on an inner level where you can trust your instincts and work toward next March.

CANCER: Happy birthday Cancer! With a solar eclipse occurring at New Moon in your sign on the 1st making everything appear shadowy and restrained, this could be a good time to dig within for answers. You are the most sensitive sign, not only to the Moon as she waxes and wanes each month, but also to the undercurrents of your own feelings as well as other people’s. Sometimes, you can read too deeply into what others are feeling and doing and this could be a good opportunity to break up negative emotional patterns. Friendships provide the anchor in the stormy seas this month and one particular liaison will be played out over July, October and next March. A future, past or current relationship will calm the waters and is worth working on for the therapeutic qualities it possesses – having said that, it needs to be a two-way meeting of needs.

LEO: People, events and memories from the past may be illuminated by the New Moon of the 1st. With an eclipse occurring in the secretive, hidden, confidential slice of your chart, something or someone will come to light that helps you get past the roadblocks that existed in another time and place. This can be unsettling or it can be the next step in your emotional evolution. For others, normally outgoing, you may be drawn to spending your time more quietly and reflectively as your birthday year draws to a close. For others still, this might be a time when you seek answers from people who work in caring roles, or you might take an emotional, spiritual or physical retreat somewhere. On a larger scale, your professional life is reaching new heights and July brings opportunity to deepen your role within your niche. It might appear easy at first glance but the harder you work and the more patience you have, the better the results by next March.

VIRGO: There’s a beautiful earth trine between Jupiter and Pluto this month that is the first in a three part series of connections that will enhance the lives of Virgos, Taureans and Capricorns. The first is July, the second October and third is March 2012. Occurring from your realm of higher thinking and education, whatever you pump into your knowledge base is likely be from hands on experience and research and will translate into a long-term pool of comprehension and skill. Exploring the wider world of publishing and the internet, this is a great time to build a website, write an article or exhibit your work. The New Moon on July 1st occurs in your zone of friends, acquaintances and highlights emotional connections that require hard work. While the Full Moon on the 15th brings challenges with a child or in romance. Sports and leisure are also in focus as is creative pursuits. Look at setbacks as valuable learning tools.

LIBRA: Like the other cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn, Libran folk will tend to be slightly more reactive to the lunar activity that spills across the month. There are conflicting and contrary aspects at work in July but there is also a very real opportunity to increase stability in the domestic area by working on packages and plans that involve other people’s resources and economic input. This can be anything from a payout, inheritance or settlement, to negotiations with banks or creditors. The results will come about as developments occur over July, October and March 2012 so, just like anything that is worth waiting for, the process will take time and attention. Coming back to the New Moon and Full Moon, which fall across your life direction and domestic sectors on the 1st and 15th respectively, you may feel like you are hitting dead ends and brick walls when you approach, report or show your work to people who matter, however, setbacks should be viewed as an opportunity to go back and review any weaknesses. For others, you may have given it your very best shot and now it’s simply time to try another avenue.

SCORPIO: Allow other people to teach you something this month Scorpio. A mentor, guide, friend or partner could take on the role of teacher in July and what they have to show you will give you food for thought and a deeper understanding of how to communicate your ideas, thoughts and concepts. Whether on a small or large scale, it may take until October and then March 2012 to streamline and refine what you learn but it will be an experience that is well worth taking on board. For others, sibling relationships could reach a turning point and if there has been conflict in the past, this could be the right time to forgive and forget rather than hold onto negative feelings. The New Moon on the 1st and the Full Moon of the 15th also highlight the power of thinking big in the face of obstacles and setbacks. A new phase begins and it’s time to rethink the bigger picture of your life.

SAGITTARIUS: With your ruler Jupiter dangling a carrot at Pluto in your money zone, there is plenty of incentive to work harder and longer at a work project that shows all the signs of being a success in the future. This is a three-part process over a period of months leading up to March 2012 so you can’t afford to sit back and think that the details will take care of themselves. You’re close to getting something off the ground and your aim needs to be higher each time you pass through one level of the playing field. Once you have got the rhythm, it will be easy to go up one step at a time. A new financial phase begins on the 1st but it will difficult to see past the emotional obstacles. This could be anything from sharing and dividing possessions to revising and restructuring debts. Work through the challenges to reach a stable position, even if it means down-sizing or giving up some luxuries. Keep in touch with people and organisations rather than avoiding them.

CAPRICORN: Like Cancer, all the astro-action is happening across your sign. The New Moon occurring in your relationship zone means that emotional scenes with other people are likely if there have been issues building up over a period of six months. It will be hard to open up and discuss feelings but by the Full Moon in your sign on the 15th, there will have to be some resolution. Despite all the obstacles and challenges at the half way point of your birthday year, there is also a longer-term trend operating in your zone of children that will make you happy with breakthroughs and their progress, achievements or attitudes. This marks a settled period where growth happens in leaps and bounds over several months. The romantic and creative arena of your life also falls in this area and will provide a safe harbour for you to retreat to not only in July but also October and March 2012. A delicate month that is full of potential at the same time.

AQUARIUS: Work and health are top priority in July. With a New Moon occurring in this area on the 1st, your emotional barometer will be linked directly to stress levels and your workload. Try to balance up long hours with good food, relaxation and exercise. If there are emotional situations that impact on your enthusiasm and enjoyment, then step back from the people who drain your energy. It will be hard to separate your emotional involvement but offering a logical viewpoint to highly reactive situations can help diffuse the tension. The bigger picture in your domestic arena is undergoing a re-jig this year with Jupiter passing through. When the first of a series of three aspects occurs this month, insights and understanding will surface whereby you can connect the dots between the past as it relates to your present situation. Somehow the end of a situation will be a process that takes until March 2012 to complete but will be a lot easier than before.

PISCES: Your social connections will provide solid ground for networking this month and what takes place in July will provide a stepping stone to even deeper bonds in October and March 2012. This could be a group situation where common interests bind you together, or it could be that you meet someone who helps you to build on an idea. Intellectually, this is a solid month for writing, speaking and communicating. A sibling or neighbour could also play a large part in opening your mind to practical avenues of self-expression and certainly this is where your opportunities lie. For others, exams and tests prove to be easier to study for, or you may become fascinated with particular topics, books and articles that deepen your understanding. Emotional situations with a son or daughter may not be easy to deal with but as long as the lines of communication are kept to the practical issues at hand, you can draw boundaries around sensitive matters.