PLANET REPORT Sweet relief may be evident at the fertile, sensitive New Moon on the 3rd (NZT) that will favour families and domestic life and provide a positive emotional undertone; but as if life could not be any more contained, July is the month to work diligently and steadily toward your goals with realistic expectations. In June, Mars travelled through the sign of the Lion, where strength and animal instinct spurred us on creatively and with hope but in July Mars’ enthusiasm and confidence is cut short when he runs into economical Saturn between the 10th and 13th (NZT). Dominating the mood for the month, there will be hard-hitting challenges when Mars transits into critical, analytical Virgo on the 2nd (NZT). Immediately the boundless energy that was mustered up in Leo becomes constricted and cramped translating into a narrowing of energy and vitality and a microscopic awareness of details. Despite the hesitation and a cautious inclination that will be par for the course now, this sign change suggests that acting confidently in the outer world will be harder to do as there are so many variables. This phase is great for concise, specific, detail-oriented work because our outlook is that much more discerning and analytical, if not a touch critical of ourselves and others; however, consciously picking up on the positive qualities of Virgo’s discrimination bodes well for restructuring in the face of events and situations that slow us down to consider options very seriously. The upside is that we can adapt easily, spotting the cracks and weaknesses and therefore be in a better position to build reserves and plans to keep afloat. We can create new strategies with a much more streamlined, efficient use of resources, energy and time. And despite the feeling of cycling backwards, we can use the limited availability of outer resources to research and soul-search as much as possible – this is a “leave no stone unturned” aspect that will uncover all sorts of gems that would otherwise have gone amiss. Mercury clears its retrograde shadow on the 4th and transits into Cancer on the 11th – any activity that has taken place since May 15th will now become more transparent. Attachment to ideas in the face of obstacles, or feeling the need to act on ideas can tend to overwhelm practical thought so step back and count to ten if this happens. The New Moon in July occurs on the 3rd in Cancer at 2:20am (NZT) – a potent New Moon that draws family together and highlights convivial interactions suggests that we can find balm in the company of people who make us feel emotionally secure. The New Moon gives way to the Full Moon on the 18th in Capricorn at 8pm (NZT). By contrast, we will find many aspects of the material world reaching a peak then. The Sun transits into Leo on the 22nd at 10:56pm (NZT). July is a funny month where contradictory patterns are at work – where we will want to take it easy when life is just at its most demanding – it’s all a matter of relaxing within oneself despite the stress whilst attending to the urgent tasks with grace and flow rather than resistance to the obvious need for new patterns.
ARIES: With Mars joining Saturn in your health house, try to keep a watchful eye on diet and exercise this month. If you have allowed your standards to slip or you have been overworking yourself and not resting enough, this could result in a weakened immunity. You may either feel rundown or find you are susceptible to whatever is going around. Chances are your workload will be quite heavy and cannot be reduced and in this case try to work only on those tasks that are urgent or that will benefit from closer scrutiny, thoroughness or the setting up of systematic rituals. At home, there’s a lovely new beginning from the 3rd that brings everyone closer together. An offer may be accepted then or visitors flow through your doors. This, however, gives way to the Full Moon on the 18th (NZT) when professional or parental dilemmas reach a peak.
TAURUS: It’s time to take a child’s welfare, education or health more seriously as underlying situations become obvious. This is the point when constructive measures and procedures can be put in place but results will happen over time rather than overnight. Some of you may feel less spontaneous or creative resulting in a period of social isolation; however, time spent alone is time spent creatively and this is when seeds can be sown. A parent’s finances may require a rethink so seek professional advice from experts before acting. On another level, the effusive New Moon of the 3rd (NZT) brings a chance to take a short trip or various trips to visit a family member. Or there may be lots of emotionally bonding conversations. You can take a mental holiday by involving yourself in the care of a neighbour, brother, sister, or community project.
GEMINI: You have been in your element with Mercury in your sign bringing a variety of situations that have supplied you with lots of points of conversation – educationally you have learned different facts about the way the world around you operates. Speaking, writing and communicating with others have greatly increased, and the line up of different people has been quite amazing. July continues on in this vain until the 13th (NZT) when your ideas and thoughts take a dive into emotional waters. Home and family bring responsibilities between the 10th and the 13th requiring new boundaries to be drawn up. Negotiations may run into delays or you may need to do repairs to the home. The New Moon of the 3rd (NZT) signifies a financial start with even a windfall or bonus but use resources wisely since the Full Moon on the 18th (NZT) brings an economic reality check.
CANCER: Despite the harder cosmic patterns at play, your annual New Moon highlights all that is good in your life. As an antidote to the intellectual dryness of this period or the feeling of not quite knowing enough, keep in touch with the people who make you feel emotionally good about yourself. Conversation is hard work with people who expect too much so stick to those who connect on your level. There is something effusive and happy about your personality now that draws other people to you anyway so you won’t be short of company. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 18th (NZT) brings a restrained influence on your relationships by contrast. How you approach delicate situations around the New Moon of the 3rd (NZT) will determine what results you get mid-month. It’s important to keep your emotional needs strictly in check to avoid overwhelming others.
LEO: Mars leaves your sign on the 2nd and also your sphere of personal self. After an energetic month of putting your stamp on your activities and establishing your identity in June, you are ready to cash in on your personal merits in July. The only thing holding you back from moving forward with financial schemes will be the fiscal tests and challenges you will encounter between the 10th and 13th (NZT) – some of these can create a stumbling block that requires fancy footwork to get around. Saturn in this area tends to bring feast or famine and it will be now that you discover whether you have what it takes or whether to pursue new directions. Take special care of the smaller details and the larger picture will fall into place. The New Moon of the 3rd (NZT) highlights your private activities and if you have been involved with large institutions where an outcome is pending, now is the time to chase them up.
VIRGO: Mars travels into your sign on the 2nd and straight into Saturn between the 10th and 13th. If you can make it through this trial period, you can handle anything! Restrained in your self-expression, you will be extra conscious of your surroundings and the impact you make upon others and it could feel you are sitting some kind of test or passing through a probationary period. Try to remember that your sign tends to be a perfectionist and that you are very good at putting pressure on yourself even when there is no one breathing down your neck. Aim high but go easy on yourself. This is the month to conserve your energy, which will tend to be low, and make the most of your waking hours, which will tend to be packed with obligations. This is a great month to forge new strategies and to nut out the details of projects and plans.
LIBRA: Professionally and publicly you are in the spotlight this month. Bedazzled by emotionally loaded dealings with two prominent people you could make decisions that lead to interesting changes in your home life around the 18th. A time of domestic and family culminations anyway, try to avoid committing to deals, negotiations or agreements that have too many variables and little clarity about the long term. In unavoidable situations get everything in writing. It’s an impulsive time for you now what with a New Moon on the 3rd (NZT) sparking off a new professional phase and your ruler sitting too close to the Sun to act with clear vision - better to wait for the pressure to ease off and then consider consequences than be burned later. It will be easier to embark on a new course from the 26th.
SCORPIO: The focus is on the groups in your life and whether they hinder or help you. Whether it be the friends you keep or the people you share activities with, there is something taking place that causes you to take stock and keep a distance. This could relate to a financial matter that has required time to clarify. The best you can do at this time is to make sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to the facts or figures, which should now be emerging. If you are involved in higher education, travel issues, philosophical seeking or simply connecting with others via the internet, you can begin to detach from the emotions that these activities may have triggered recently. The Full Moon on the 18th (NZT) brings a close to an issue with a neighbour, brother or sister or with regard to commuting, driving or walking short distances.
SAGITTARIUS: You may feel restricted by your professional or public circumstances so try to adopt a Zen-like approach when dealing with officialdom. Attend to the small details that you would normally baulk at. Developing patience will lead to a better sense of order which in turn will lead to qualities that you can use further down the track. Become a specialist rather than taking shortcuts. We are all feeling squeezed in some area of our lives right now and it’s all about learning to live with guidelines, boundaries and structures that can support us in the long run. A fresh cycle begins with resources, money and property that you share with others who are directly or indirectly connected such as banks. This is a good time to draw up agreements and pacts that will lead to a decision by the Full Moon of the 18th (NZT).
CAPRICORN: Life is a learning curve this month that will frustrate you but ultimately lead to better understanding! Travel plans, studies, belief systems or internet activities require a focused approach that requires time and energy. Little is gained quickly this month so prepare to research, do things over again until they are just right or put something aside to come back to once you have digested its deeper meaning. It’s easy to become discouraged or critical of yourself, others or what you are doing but with passion and a little determination you can break through the obstacles. This is the half way point of your birthday year and with this comes a new cycle in relationships on the 3rd (NZT) that will lead to a personal decision around the 18th when you attempt to take back control of a situation that began six months ago.
AQUARIUS: The heat you experienced in relationships last month cools dramatically this month as you go head to head with someone over shared resources, property and finances. Try taking an old-school approach since it’s time to find practical if not more traditional ways to handle your debit and credit departments. Nut out the details with second and third parties so that any murky areas are more transparent and ideas, facts and setups are reflected in the figures, which mean everything in this era of tidying up. Pride could get in the way from the 22nd so attend to details before then. Work will become a sensitive point from the 3rd and life brings some interesting coincidences with money. If you want to plan ahead take into account that changes and culminations will be occurring this month (between the 3rd and 18th) that impact not only on work but also health.
PISCES: An arm’s length may be needed with someone you are closely involved with this month as practical issues press to be addressed. It will be difficult to see the wood for the trees as we are all so close to our own lives at this time. For Fish, issues of a more serious nature have been brewing for some while in your interactions – whether they be intimate or professional - and when Mars joins Saturn on the 10th an older person’s insight or advice should be considered seriously. Fear of the unknown should not keep you from acting however it’s time to act with smaller, more careful steps. On a lighter note there is fun and celebration in the air from the 3rd.
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