NOVEMBER PLANET REPORT: The skies are busy this November not just with planets changing signs from mid-month but because there are major astro-themes unravelling in the bigger scheme of things. This is definitely a time to go with the flow of activity since new structures are being carved out that will define the period up until 2025. Being observant and accepting of the need to change gears will keep us alert to the opportunities that often get missed in times of fear and negativity, however, there are few soft options and all require diligence and attendance. After the deadlocks of the 4th, a quickening in the form of short, sharp events will catapult us into new realms around the 28th when Uranus turns direct - be vigilant by anticipating the areas of your life that are most vulnerable. Currently being opposed by Capricorn ruler, Saturn, there is a polarisation to this aspect where law and order and chaos exist side by side. In Virgo, the tiniest detail is under the microscope as Saturn prompts us to examine and analyse facts, figures and the “health” of our intentions and actions, whether personally or globally. Uranus baulks at this kind of scrutiny - as he does to any kind of restriction - so there is a tendency now to feel squeezed by having to account and take stock; this is a time of wanting to play one’s own game rather than be controlled by the powers that be and until the 27th, we will tend to internalise outward changes but then this energy will manifest in real terms - Uranus will urge us to throw off any attempts to control or regulate in the old way and yet there is something that harks back to earlier times. This cycle began back in late 1987-1988 with the first square occurring in 1999-2000 and now we reach the midpoint, which is generally a time of stress. Simultaneously, Pluto crosses the very sensitive Solstice degree joining Jupiter in corporate Capricorn on the 27th. After nearly 13 years in zealous, extravagant, high-minded Sagittarius this marks the end of one era and the beginning of another in the world of conservation and capitalism. Pluto has already ventured briefly into Capricorn between January and June 2008 and we are already seeing some of the effects of this significant transit combined with Saturn/Uranus via the crumbling walls of our financial system, but now Pluto returns to tenant Capricorn on a fulltime basis until 2025 - this is where new cosmic roots are taking hold that will define the coming years. As we pass from one age into another, the trick is to shift one’s thinking rather than hold on to the old way of doing business and it all starts now. The Full Moon occurs on the 13th in Taurus at 19:18pm (NZST) and will provide a shining light amidst the doom and gloom, however, take care that what you see is what you are get. The New Moon occurs on the 28th at 5:56am (NZST) and highlights the importance of walking the talk. Communication will account for everything then. The Sun travels into Sagittarius on the 22nd at 11:44am (NZST).
ARIES: Being a Cardinal sign, along with early-born Cancerians, Librans and Capricorns, you are in the spotlight with Pluto’s sign change on the 27th (NZST). For those of you born in the first couple of days of Aries, a significant shift in life-direction, career, public status, vocation or parental matters is written in the stars from this month and will unfold over the next year or so. You have already had a taste of this between June and January but this phase settles into a permanent feature and is the beginning of a long journey that will give you the chance to get down to the bare bones of your life. Some of this change will be self-generated and some will be via events and people who bring the change. You may also feel great tension within your work and health sphere too but once the Sun and Mercury move into Sag from the 22nd (NZST), you’ll look at the big picture more philosophically. Travel, educational or publishing ventures get off to a brand new start on the 28th (NZST).
TAURUS: Pluto is hardly gentle when it manifests in one’s life but you are better placed than most to withstand the great changes that are upon all of us when Pluto crosses the ultra-sensitive Solstice degree on the 27th (NZST). Entering your zone of wider territories and possibilities, advanced learning, publishing or publicity ventures, this is the time to willingly grasp hold of the opportunities to rewrite your destiny. Whether you are thinking of packing your suitcase or whether you simply rise above the lay of the land so that you can conduct a survey, you need to willingly get out of your own way and allow the magic carpet ride to begin. Secret beliefs surface now and since Pluto exposes what lies underneath, you may be surprised at how your life aligns so that you can express your heartfelt feelings. A major overhaul of your spiritual life could be the result. You may feel your son, daughter or a child close to you is on another planet right now as they swing from one extreme to other - handle their needs with equal amounts of freedom and responsibility.
GEMINI: Whilst the Cardinal signs are sitting on the brink of change, you on the other hand can heave a sigh of relief as Pluto moves out of opposite sign Sagittarius and into Capricorn. Thirteen years is a long time to have had Pluto in your relationships zone producing hotspots of intensity with other people at various points. From now you will be required to regenerate or renegotiate the structures of your money, assets and resources that you have in common with second and third parties (especially those born in the first days of Gemini). From child support to tax to mortgages or credit cards, Pluto requires drastic changes to the way your financial life is set up. Of course, money can come in the other way too - you may receive an inheritance or gift, or you may borrow for the first time. Whatever the circumstances, there’s an underlying power that will require a great deal of thought and responsibility for what you receive, share or give.
CANCER: Great changes are afoot that will redefine your relationships and intensify your interactions with others. With Jupiter already in this zone, you may have briefly connected with someone who will become more important during the next year. Emotionally, you play for high stakes and invest yourself 100 percent in people who grab your attention however there will be something quite different about this particular liaison as there is a cool quality that is quite intriguing. Friend or foe, current or ex, situations will require even more investment and you may need to adopt a high-minded and philosophical approach. Mars continues to stimulate your creativity until the 16th (NZST) and self-expression is a top priority whether through artistic ventures or romantically. You may also find yourself in the headlines for some reason. The Full Moon on the 13th (NZST) underlines friendships and team activities, whilst the New Moon on the 28th (NZST) helps work or health issues move into a new phase.
LEO: Moving, redecorating, taking in a flatmate or saying goodbye to one, the focus is squarely on your home and domestic life until mid-November. A great time to get ready for the festive season or summer holidays in the southern hemisphere, channel your energy into cleaning up and revitalising. Get rid of the rubbish that clogs the garage or basement especially around the 12th (NZST) when a sudden event or opportunity arises that moves your home life into a new phase – be prepared for anything then. A health or work issue requires special attention too, especially one that has been slowly developing over the course of 2008 – everything is likely to intensify by the end of the November and will continue to do so over 2009. Financially, you have been feeling the squeeze but hopefully you are drawing up new budgets or readjusting spending or looking to increase your earning potential. This financial aspect of your life will continue to be important for quite some time and around the 13th (NZST) something will come to a full-gone conclusion so that you can move on and live within your means.
VIRGO: With Saturn opposing Uranus from your sign until the 19th (NZST), is it any wonder you are all over the place with the many areas of your life coming to a peak this month? This long-haul aspect that began back in 1988/89 will come and go in effect over the next two years and what transpires this month will reveal a signature of events that will give you clues as to how this transit will unfold. Physically, this transit has a strong bearing on your body and can be a taxing time so be sure to get plenty of good food and rest. With so many dimensions of your life undergoing restructure between now and July 2010, take considered steps that take the future into account. Seek professional advice in whatever department you feel necessary because others can help you form a picture so that you have the correct structures in place. On a self-expressive level so much is evolving and some of you may connect with the artist within while others will have experiences with children in a completely new way.
LIBRA: Pluto’s move into Capricorn on the 27th will already be having a profound impact on Libran’s lives, especially those born in the first day or two. Shifting the most personal realm of your life such as your home base, family or parental issues, you will become increasingly aware of one or all of these areas from this month. The first degree of Libra (where the Spring Equinox occurs) is a pivotal point that allows a rush of energy in whenever a planet aspects it, and because Pluto is a heavyweight representing the depths and the mysteries in one’s life, this transit will be far from trivial. A 15-year span of completion, there will be many aspects of your life that you will settle and find closure with, and what affects one family member will have an impact on everyone else. Deal with past issues as they come up and release the energy in a productive manner.
SCORPIO: The way you speak, write or communicate your ideas and thoughts is about to undergo a subtle but radical overhaul that will take up 15 years to develop. You have already experienced an increase in activity in this area with Jupiter expanding your mindset since last December, but when Pluto moves into this zone on the 27th (NZST), a whole new world will open up that builds upon the new intellectual structures that are already in motion. Leaving no stone unturned, your mind will operate with precision and depth and whether you are taking up a new study, increasing your knowledge informally, or simply learning through a sibling, there is little that escapes your attention. Short trips can have a profound impact too, or you may become involved with neighbours on a completely different level. November is the month to power through life making the necessary adjustments that will usher in this new cycle.
SAGITTARIUS: By the time your birthday month begins on the 22nd (NZST), you will be ready to move onward and upward. Say goodbye to transforming Pluto who leaves your sign on the 27th having occupied Sag for the last 13 years. Just look back at this era to see how radically things have changed on such a personal level for you – there are sure to have been many alterations in your outlook and beliefs, and even physically you may look completely different having gained or lost a lot of weight for example. And now that this physical change is over, Pluto will begin work on the financial side of your life, which looks set to undergo a radical overhaul. Sweeping changes in the way you earn a living, control your cash, treat your possessions, or value your time, energy and skills will affect the years to come. And because the world is such a different place, now is the time to think long-term about how you will structure your financial and material security. Letting go as well as allowing new energy to enter your life will make this journey tremendously exciting. Your personal New Moon on the 28th (NZST) is bound to shift your thinking.
CAPRICORN: While the other Cardinal signs will be experiencing the power of Pluto from the 27th, it is your sign that he is moving into and this means that great change is on the way that will radically alter your outlook, physical wellbeing, and perspective. You are probably already experiencing a need to measure the value of everything you do but from this month you will become even more obsessed with the depth of your experiences. Capitalise on the new structures that are forming by taking your activities to even deeper levels – it’s a time of intense exploration and for slowly opening Pandora’s mysterious box so that you can understand your life on a very meaningful level. And even if you come face to face with life’s bigger questions, it will help if you can go with the flow of whatever is taking place. Take the power and run with it. May the force be with you!
AQUARIUS: The inner you is about to undergo a subtle change that begins this month and will occur in stages over the next 15 years. Pluto is all about gradual change and whilst we will all experience its power in some form or another, for Water Bearers it means coming face to face with the part of your makeup that can only surface in sleep, meditation, contemplation or through being away from public life. Increasingly, you may find yourself drawn to reflective moments and past-times and retreating from the busyness of routine from time to time to work through the past or some aspect of your inner programming. Profound insights can be the result. For a very few, this could also mean having more to do with large institutions either voluntarily or through circumstance, while for others secret activities will become an important part of your life. This can also be a time when skeletons surface or mysteries are unveiled.
PISCES: The realm of friendships and socialising is about to undergo a radical change that will deeply affect how you network or mingle with others. In stages and over the next 15 years, whatever happens on your social circuit is sure to impact on you by altering your hopes and fears and emphasising the goals that you set for yourself that are distinct from career or profession. People come and people leave making you realise that life is an ever-changing wheel of fortune. Some people will affect you by the depth of feeling that forms between you, while others will act in ways that break the bonds that you thought were there for good; in this respect, it’s a matter of moving with the changes or giving up the link altogether. It’s all about moving with the chemistry and setups and looking beyond appearances. You may also throw yourself wholeheartedly into group activities where you discover your own power as well as the power of numbers.
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